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72 Shem Ha-Mephorash Angels

The 72 Shem Ha-Mephorash Angels are derived from the Jewish mystical tradition known as Kabbalah. These angels are believed to represent the 72 divine names or aspects of God, each with its own unique function and purpose. The concept originates from the interpretation of a biblical passage in the Book of Exodus (14:19-21), where three consecutive verses contain 72 letters each.


The 72 angels are grouped into eight "choirs" of nine angels each, and their names are derived by combining the 72-letter sequence in the following manner: taking a letter from the first verse, then a letter from the second verse, and finally a letterr from the third verse. This three-letter combination forms the basis of the angel's name, with the suffixes "el" or "iah" added for completion.


Each of the Shem Ha-Mephorash Angels is associated with specific attributes, powers, and spheres of influence. Some are considered guardians or protectors, while others are related to healing, wisdom, or spiritual growth. These angels are invoked for guidance, protection, or assistance in various aspects of life.


It is important to note that the belief in these 72 angels is not universally accepted within Judaism or other spiritual traditions. The concept is primarily found within the Kabbalistic tradition and certain Western esoteric practices.

72 Shem Angels


The specific powers, attributes, and influences of each of the 72 Shem Angels are vast and varied. Here is a brief overview of the Shem Angels and their associated powers:


1.    Vehuiah (וֵהוּיָה): This angel is associated with new beginnings, willpower, and creation. It helps in manifesting goals, projects, and ideas.

2.    Jeliel (יְלִיאֵל): Jeliel is related to love, relationships, and reconciliation. It helps in resolving conflicts, fostering harmony, and nurturing lasting connections.

3.    Sitael (סִיתָאֵל): Sitael is associated with protection and defense. It offers support in times of adversity and helps in overcoming obstacles.

4.    Elemiah (עַלֵּמִיָּה): Elemiah is connected to inner strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges. It also helps in discovering hidden talents.

5.    Mahasiah (מַהֲשִׂיָּה): Mahasiah represents harmony, balance, and self-improvement. It assists in personal growth and aligning oneself with universal principles.

6.    Lelahel (לֵּלָהֵל): Lelahel is associated with healing, vitality, and well-being. It promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

7.    Achaiah (עֲכַיָּה): Achaiah represents patience, persistence, and the ability to see the bigger picture. It encourages determination and the pursuit of long-term goals.

8.    Cahetel (כַּהֵתָּאֵל): Cahetel is connected to abundance, prosperity, and gratitude. It assists in attracting blessings and appreciating the good in life.

9.    Haziel (חֲזִיָּאֵל): Haziel represents forgiveness, mercy, and compassion. It helps in healing emotional wounds and promoting understanding.

10.    Aladiah (עַלַּדִיָּה): Aladiah is associated with protection from negative influences, purification, and spiritual cleansing. It helps in overcoming difficulties and maintaining inner peace.

11.    Lauviah (לַאוּיָה): Lauviah is associated with inspiration, revelation, and the ability to find solutions to complex problems. It helps in accessing deeper wisdom and intuition.

12.    Hahaiah (הַהֲיָה): Hahaiah is connected to protection, refuge, and comfort. It provides a sense of security and offers solace in times of distress.

13.    Iezalel (יֵזָלֵל): Iezalel is related to loyalty, friendship, and fidelity. It fosters strong bonds and encourages trust and commitment in relationships.

14.    Mebahel (מֵבַהֵל): Mebahel represents truth, justice, and liberation. It helps in seeking fairness, honesty, and the resolution of conflicts.

15.    Hariel (הֲרִיֵּאל): Hariel is associated with purification, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of higher knowledge. It aids in overcoming negative habits and embracing a path of enlightenment.

16.    Hekamiah (הֶקַמְיָה): Hekamiah is connected to loyalty, protection, and the ability to maintain peace. It guards against betrayal and fosters a sense of stability.

17.    Lauviah (לַוִּיָּה): Lauviah represents victory, success, and the ability to overcome challenges. It aids in manifesting one's desires and achieving goals.

18.    Caliel (כַּלִּיַּאל): Caliel is associated with justice, truth, and moral integrity. It helps in navigating difficult situations with honesty and righteousness.

19.    Leuviah (לְעוּיָּה): Leuviah is connected to memory, learning, and intellectual abilities. It aids in retaining knowledge, understanding complex subjects, and enhancing cognitive skills.

20.    Pahaliah (פַּהֲלִיָּה): Pahaliah represents spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the pursuit of divine wisdom. It aids in developing a deeper connection to the higher self and understanding the mysteries of life.

21.    Nelchael (נֵלְכָאֵל): Nelchael is connected to knowledge, wisdom, and learning. It helps in intellectual pursuits and dispelling ignorance.

22.    Yeiayel (יֵיָיֵּל): Yeiayel is associated with fame, fortune, and accomplishment. It helps in achieving success, recognition, and respect.

23.    Melahel (מֵלָהֵל): Melahel is related to healing, vitality, and protection during travel. It promotes good health and safeguards journeys.

24.    Hahuiah (הַהֻוּיָה): Hahuiah is connected to protection, justice, and the ability to discern right from wrong. It helps in maintaining integrity and defending against negative influences.

25.    Nith-Haiah (נִית־הָיָּה): Nith-Haiah is associated with wisdom, spiritual understanding, and the ability to perceive hidden truths. It aids in accessing mystical knowledge and connecting with higher realms.

26.    Haaiah (הַאָיָה): Haaiah is related to diplomacy, tact, and the resolution of conflicts. It helps in fostering peace, understanding, and cooperation.

27.    Yeratel (יֵרַתְּאֵל): Yeratel is connected to transformation, positive change, and the ability to overcome challenges. It aids in personal growth and the pursuit of higher goals.

28.    Seheiah (סֵהֵיָה): Seheiah is associated with protection, longevity, and good health. It helps in warding off illness, accidents, and adversity.

29.    Reiyel (רֵיִיֵּאל): Reiyel is related to divine inspiration, spiritual guidance, and the ability to access higher wisdom. It aids in connecting with one's higher self and embracing a path of enlightenment.

30.    Omael (עוֹמֵאל): Omael is connected to patience, fertility, and the ability to nurture and sustain growth. It helps in promoting abundance, productivity, and the realization of long-term goals.

31.    Lecabel (לֶכַּבֵּאל): Lecabel is associated with intelligence, creativity, and the ability to manifest ideas. It aids in problem-solving, innovation, and the pursuit of knowledge.

32.    Vasariah (וַשַּׁרְיָה): Vasariah is related to justice, forgiveness, and the ability to maintain balance and harmony. It helps in resolving conflicts and promoting understanding.

33.    Yehuiah (יְהֻוּיָה): Yehuiah is connected to obedience, loyalty, and the ability to discern the will of the divine. It aids in aligning oneself with higher principles and following one's true path.

34.    Lehahiah (לְהַהְיָה): Lehahiah is associated with order, discipline, and the ability to maintain stability. It helps in organizing one's life, staying focused, and achieving long-term goals.

35.    Chavakiah (חֲבַקְיָה): Chavakiah is related to reconciliation, harmony, and the ability to heal broken relationships. 

36.    Menadel (מֵנַדְּאֵל): Menadel is connected to work, productivity, and the ability to find one's purpose. It helps in career advancement, fulfilling responsibilities, and overcoming obstacles.

37.    Aniel (עַנִּיֵּאל): Aniel is associated with spiritual breakthroughs, inner strength, and the ability to overcome challenges. It aids in personal transformation and the pursuit of spiritual growth.

38.    Haamiah (הַעַמִּיָּה): Haamiah is related to truth, integrity, and the ability to maintain moral values. It helps in staying true to oneself and adhering to ethical principles.

39.    Rehael (רֵהָאֵל): Rehael is connected to healing, emotional well-being, and the ability to nurture healthy relationships. It aids in promoting emotional balance, compassion, and understanding.

40.    Yeiazel (יֵעִיַּזְּאֵל): Yeiazel is associated with comfort, solace, and the ability to overcome sorrow and suffering. It helps in finding peace and healing emotional wounds.

41.    Hahahel (הַהַהֵל): Hahahel is related to spiritual guidance, divine inspiration, and the ability to connect with higher wisdom. It aids in embracing a path of enlightenment and accessing deep spiritual insights.

42.    Mikael (מִיכַּאֵל): Mikael is connected to balance, harmony, and the ability to maintain inner peace. It helps in achieving equilibrium, both in oneself and in one's environment.

43.    Veuliah (וְעוּלִּיָּה): Veuliah is associated with success, prosperity, and the ability to manifest one's desires. It aids in achieving goals, overcoming challenges, and attracting abundance.

44.    Yelahiah (יֶלַּהְיָה): Yelahiah is related to courage, strength, and the ability to face and overcome obstacles. It helps in empowering oneself and taking charge of one's life.

45.    Sealiah (סְעַלִּיָּה): Sealiah is connected to inner awakening, spiritual growth, and the ability to recognize one's true purpose. It aids in embracing change and pursuing a path of enlightenment.

46.    Ariel (עַרִיאֵל): Ariel is associated with nature, environmental protection, and the ability to connect with the natural world. It helps in fostering a deep appreciation for the Earth and its resources.

47.    Asaliah (אַשַּׂלִּיָּה): Asaliah is related to truth, clarity, and the ability to perceive reality as it is. It aids in dispelling illusions and accessing deeper understanding.

48.    Mihael (מִיהַּאֵל): Mihael is connected to love, harmony, and the ability to nurture healthy relationships. It helps in fostering compassion, understanding, and emotional balance.

49.    Vehuel (וְהוּאֵל): Vehuel is associated with spiritual elevation, humility, and the ability to connect with the divine. It aids in embracing a path of spiritual growth and developing a deeper relationship with the divine.

50.    Daniel (דַּנִּיֵּאל): Daniel is related to eloquence, diplomacy, and the ability to communicate effectively. It aids in fostering understanding, persuasion, and harmonious interactions.

51.    Hahasiah (הַהַשִׂיָּה): Hahasiah is connected to healing, universal knowledge, and the ability to access higher wisdom. It helps in promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

52.    Imamiah (עִמַּמִיָּה): Imamiah is associated with strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome difficulties. It aids in personal transformation and the pursuit of one's true purpose.

53.    Nanael (נַנַּאֵל): Nanael is related to knowledge, learning, and the ability to acquire wisdom. It helps in intellectual pursuits and the development of deeper understanding.

54.    Nithael (נִיתְּאֵל): Nithael is connected to royalty, nobility, and the ability to maintain dignity and grace. It aids in achieving positions of authority and upholding moral values.

55.    Mebahiah (מֵבַהְיָה): Mebahiah is associated with clarity of thought, discernment, and the ability to make wise decisions. It helps in fostering good judgment and aligning oneself with higher principles.

56.    Poiel (פּוֹיֵּאל): Poiel is related to the manifestation of dreams, wishes, and desires. It aids in attracting abundance, success, and the fulfillment of one's goals.

57.    Nemamiah (נֵמַמִיָּה): Nemamiah is connected to leadership, strategy, and the ability to overcome challenges. It helps in achieving success, making wise decisions, and guiding others.

58.    Yeialel (יֵיעַלֵּל): Yeialel is associated with courage, determination, and the ability to face and conquer fears. It aids in personal empowerment and the pursuit of one's true purpose.

59.    Harahel (הֲרַחֵל): Harahel is related to knowledge, learning, and the ability to access hidden information. It helps in intellectual pursuits, discovering secrets, and developing deeper understanding.

60.    Mizrael (מִזְרָאֵל): Mizrael is connected to transformation, self-improvement, and the ability to overcome negative habits. It aids in personal growth, healing, and the pursuit of a better life.

61.    Umabel (עוּמַבֵּאל): Umabel is associated with friendship, affinity, and the ability to forge deep connections. It helps in fostering strong bonds, loyalty, and mutual understanding.

62.    Iahhel (יַהֲהֵל): Iahhel is related to meditation, contemplation, and the ability to access inner peace. It aids in achieving spiritual growth, developing mindfulness, and embracing a path of enlightenment.

63.    Anauel (עַנַּוְאֵל): Anauel is connected to prosperity, abundance, and the ability to attract wealth. It helps in manifesting success, material resources, and financial stability.

64.    Mehiel (מֵהִיֵּאל): Mehiel is associated with inspiration, creativity, and the ability to bring ideas to life. It aids in artistic pursuits, innovation, and the development of new projects.

65.    Damabiah (דַּמַּבְיָה): Damabiah is related to wisdom, intuition, and the ability to access deeper understanding. It helps in spiritual growth, acquiring knowledge, and developing discernment.

66.    Manakel (מַנַּכְּאֵל): Manakel is connected to peace, harmony, and the ability to maintain balance in one's life. It aids in achieving inner calm, emotional stability, and fostering positive relationships.

67.    Eyael (עֵיַּיֵּאל): Eyael is associated with transformation, change, and the ability to embrace new beginnings. It helps in personal growth, adapting to new situations, and pursuing a path of evolution.

68.    Habuhiah (הַבּוּהִיָּה): Habuhiah is related to healing, fertility, and the ability to nurture and sustain growth. It aids in promoting health, well-being, and the realization of one's desires.

69.    Rochel (רוֹחֵל): Rochel is connected to finding lost items, discovering hidden treasures, and the ability to access deeper wisdom. It helps in uncovering secrets, locating missing objects, and developing intuition.

70.    Jabamiah (יַבַּמְיָה): Jabamiah is associated with spiritual regeneration, rebirth, and the ability to transform one's life. It aids in personal growth, healing, and the pursuit of a higher purpose.

71.    Haiaiel (הַיַּיֵּאל): Haiaiel is related to strength, courage, and the ability to face challenges head-on. It helps in overcoming obstacles, empowering oneself, and achieving success.

72.    Mumiah (מֻמִיָּה): Mumiah is connected to endings, new beginnings, and the ability to embrace change. It aids in closing chapters, starting anew, and pursuing a path of transformation.

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The Hermetic Qabalah

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72 Shem Angels
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