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Advanced Chakra Meditation: Healing and Growth


There is currently little scientific evidence that supports the existence of chakras. However, some scientists believe they correspond to physical body parts such as glands. My experience has been that meditation allows you to connect to the invisible energies within you and open new pathways for healing and growth. 


Subtle energy moves into the body via the chakras and changes into a form of energy that the body can use at the cellular level. The chakras are energy transducers for subtle energy. When all our chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony can be present in the body, mind, and spirit.


The Hindu-derived seven chakras are the most common model used today; however, some traditions include more Chakras above the head and below the perineum. The thirteen-chakra model has six chakras from below the perineum to the soles of the feet.


The attributes of the common Hindu-derived traditional Seven Chakras


  1. Crown Chakra (pituitary gland)

Purple on top of the head

Consciousness and spirituality


  2. Third-Eye Chakra (pineal gland)

Indigo on the forehead

Perception and intuition


  3. Throat Chakra (thyroid gland)

Blue at the throat

Communication and inspiration


  4. Heart Chakra (thymus gland)

The central balance point of the Upper Complex

Green in the center of the chest

Love and compassion


  5. Solar plexus Chakra (Langerhans-islets, adrenal glands)

Yellow at the solar plexus

Will power


  6. Sacral Chakra (ovaries, testes)

Orange just below the navel

Sexuality and creativity


  7. Root Chakra (bulbourethral gland)

Red at the perineum

Survival, instinct, and stability


Other Lists of Chakra Correspondences


The 13-center model adds the following lower chakras:


  • The Center is located between the legs, slightly below the perineum.

  • The Center is located between the thighs.

  • The Center is located between the knees. (Central Balance Point of the Lower Complex)

  • The Center is located between the calves.

  • The Center is located between the ankles.

  • The Center is located between the soles of both feet.


Chakra Meditation with the Traditional Seven Chakras


Practice Preparation


Warning: Do not do this practice if you have a severe medical condition, especially any heart-related condition, without your doctor's consent.


  • Sit or stand in a comfortable position with your back upright without strain.

  • Begin by centering yourself with deep breathing.

  • Perform a body scan from top to bottom and bottom up.

  • Focus on any areas of pain until it dissipates or is gone.


Establish the Central Column of Energy


  • Visualize a golden column of energy that runs from the heavens above your head, down your body, and into the earth. This central column has been known by many names: The Middle Pillar, The Column of Glory, or the Thrusting Channel. This is at the core of this practice, and the Central Column must be established for the Chakra Mediation to be most efficacious.


Advanced Chakra Meditation



    • Focus on the Crown Chakra above your head as a Purple Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Spin the purple sphere clockwise - the vantage point of facing yourself.

    • Feel your connection to the Divine.



    • Focus on the Third-eye Chakra between your eyes and the center of your head as an Indigo Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Now focus on the chakra at the center line of the column and extending to your front and back. 

    • Hold the center point still at the center of your head.

    • Spin the funnel of the indigo sphere clockwise at the front of your head.

    • Spin the funnel of the indigo sphere counterclockwise at the back of your head.

    • Perceive your gifts of intuition and perception.



    • Focus on the Throat Chakra at the center of your throat as a Blue Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Now focus on the chakra at the center line of the column and extending to your front and back. 

    • Hold the center point still at the center of the throat.

    • Spin the funnel of the blue sphere clockwise at the front of the throat.

    • Spin the funnel of the blue sphere counterclockwise at the back of the throat.

    • Perceive your gifts of communication and inspiration.



    • Focus on the Heart Chakra in the center of your chest as a Green Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Now focus on the chakra at the center line of the column and extending to your front and back. 

    • Hold the center point still at the center of the chest.

    • Spin the funnel of the green sphere clockwise at the front of the chest.

    • Spin the funnel of the green sphere counterclockwise at the back of the chest.

    • Perceive your gifts of love and compassion.



    • Focus on the Solar Plexus Chakra in the middle of your body at the solar plexus level as a Yellow Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Now focus on the chakra at the center line of the column and extending to your front and back. 

    • Hold the center point still at the center of the solar plexus area.

    • Spin the funnel of the yellow sphere clockwise at the front of the solar plexus area.

    • Spin the funnel of the yellow sphere counterclockwise at the back of the solar plexus area.

    • Perceive your gift of willpower.



    • Focus on the Sacral Chakra slightly below your navel and in the middle of your body, as an Orange Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Now focus on the chakra at the center line of the column and extending to your front and back. 

    • Hold the center point still at the center of the sacral area.

    • Spin the funnel of the orange sphere clockwise at the front of the sacral area.

    • Spin the funnel of the orange sphere counterclockwise at the back of the sacral area.

    • Perceive your gifts of sensuality.



    • Focus on the Root Chakra in the middle of your perineum as a Red Sphere three inches wide with a small black central dot.

    • Visualize energy from the outside ring of the sphere moving into the center dot. Continue this contracting and expanding movement seven times.

    • Now focus on the chakra at the center line of the column and extending to your front and back. 

    • Hold the center point still at the center of the perineum.

    • Spin the funnel of the red sphere clockwise at the front of the perineum.

    • Spin the funnel of the red sphere counterclockwise at the back of the perineum.

    • Perceive your gifts of survival, instinct, and stability.



    • Start by establishing the seven chakras on your center line. Feel this from within and not as a visualization of yourself.

    • Move the energy of the first three chakras down into your heart center. Next, move the energy of the last three chakras up into your heart center. Hold the energy in your heart center while visualizing a brilliant yellow/gold light. 

    • Cross your arms over your chest, and chant a Divine Name of your choosing. I chant Yeshua – Jesus.

    • Remain in silent meditation focusing on your heart center as a Grail, and give thanks and gratitude to your Divine Presence Within and to God Above.



    • Chakra Meditation can open new pathways for healing and growth.

    • This practice also mixes solar, moon, and earth power.

    • Do this and all practices with focused intention, feeling, and love. 



I listen to Tibetan Bowls at 114Hz during my entire meditation.

There are, however, specific frequencies for each chakra. The Solfeggio Frequencies are listed below.


396 Root

417 Sacral

528 Solar-plexus

639 Heart

741 Throat

852 Third Eye

963 Crown

285 Chakra Work - Most Popular

963 Connects to Higher Realms



About Meditation


Types of Meditation
The Benefits of Meditation
Introduction – Preparation for Meditation
Unified and Quantum Fields

Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction
Developing Mindfulness
Mindfulness and Zen


Other Types of Mediation


Loving Kindness
Progressive Relaxation
Chakra Meditation
Chakra Correspondence


Teachers of Meditation


United States Meditation Teachers
Greatest Meditation Teachers
Dr. Joe Dispenza



© 2025 Robert Barnett

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