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Christian Contemplation Blog

Updated: May 3, 2023

Beginning Contemplation Contemplation

This beginning course in Contemplative Prayer aims to teach fundamental theories and practices of Contemplation. Christian Contemplation is a form of Prayer or meditation in which a person seeks a direct divine experience.

Yet, to experience the divine, one must feel genuine love for the divine. You can't meditate on Jesus and feel his love if you don't love him. And if you don't love him, you probably doubt he loves you. So you start by establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ.

First, you must believe that Jesus died for your sins and genuinely repent. You must believe this with all your heart and mind. Second, you need to be baptized, ideally by immersion. Then you need to proclaim Jesus to another publicly.

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved." Mark 16 NIV

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NIV

Next, it's about getting your heart right. You need to accept that you have been forgiven. You can't think that you are unworthy. That could negate God's saving Grace. Is Jesus's sacrifice greater than your sins? Yes, it is!

God has justified you, meaning "God looks at you as if your sins never happened." If you genuinely integrate God's saving Grace into your whole being, you will grow in your Love for Jesus. There will be a day when you have matured as a Christian when you know Jesus loves you unconditionally. When that day comes, Christian Contemplation comes alive.

Step One – Breath Awareness

With Beginning Contemplation, I suggest contemplating for approximately ten to fifteen minutes daily. Start by breathing into the count of 4, hold to the count of 4, and exhale to the count of 4. Repeat and focus on the air going in and out of your nostrils.

You do not have to concern yourself with unwanted thoughts overly. Gently detach from unwanted thoughts without judgment and return to feeling your breath. When you contemplate, you don't have to silence all your thoughts – which is problematic. As a beginner in Contemplation (Course 101), you must gently detach from unwanted thoughts and return to your breath.

Step Two – Contemplation

Next, after approximately 5 minutes of focusing on your breath, open yourself to God. Contemplate God in any way that is comfortable for you. Just remember to engage your feelings. Father Thomas Keating explains the objective of Contemplative Prayer succinctly:

Contemplative Prayer is not so much the absence of thoughts as detachment from them. He goes on to say that it opens our whole being to God.

If you have unwanted thoughts, use Father Thomas Keating's "Centering Prayer" technique. You think of a word or two that YOU relate to. For example, you could use Abba, Father, Lord Jesus, Peace, Love, Holy Spirit, etc.

For example, say I have been focused on the breath and the feeling of my breath at my nostrils for about 5 minutes. I then start to contemplate God. I might think about my love for Jesus with my whole being. I might think about a Scripture Verse. Now, I visualize Jesus with whatever image comes to mind. I hold this visualization for at least 30 seconds. Then I VISUALIZE AND FEEL.

If my thoughts interrupt my feelings, I think of my "Sacred Word." By thinking of my sacred word, I gently interrupt unwanted thoughts. Now I return to my focused VISUALIZATION AND FEELING OF JESUS.

I repeat this process for about five or more minutes. Father Thomas Keating devised the 4 R's to help you deal with unwanted thoughts, feelings, or emotions.

· Resist no unwanted thought.

· Retain no unwanted thoughts.

· React to no unwanted thought.

· Return ever so gently to the sacred word.

Christian Contemplation is very easy as compared to "Eastern Meditation Practices." We start by focusing on our breath; then, we transition to contemplating God in any way we choose. When we experience unwanted thoughts, we gently think of our "Sacred Word" for a few moments and then refocus on Contemplating God.

This process is not complicated and is very rewarding. Additionally, you don't need to make this practice overly formal. You can do this while walking in nature, lying in bed, etc. You can contemplate wherever and whenever you desire – any time, day, or night. And the only bad Contemplation is one that you don't do.

"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Robert Barnett

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Over the last three months, I’ve endured neck surgery and a house remodel. These situations resulted in much anxiety but also an increased focus on God for “the peace of God,” keeping my “heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” It exposed many of my weaknesses which is a blessing in disguise. I suspect you might have had similar experiences from some of your life’s tests and trials.

How does a Christian Contemplative deal with these types of “Tests”? I respond by meditating on my weaknesses and praying often.

Does God answer my prayers or give me insight with my meditations? Yes and No. “Ask, and You’ll Receive,” I believe, is very misunderstood. I believe God answers your prayers by giving you what He knows is best for you. Frequently, I don’t get the answer I was looking for, but I have faith that God heard my prayer and is actively helping me according to His Will.

So how do you then proceed, like in my case, the neck surgery resulted in a slow and unpleasant tapering from the pain medications and only partial success from the surgery. And my ongoing anger toward the Contractor of our remodel, who mismeasured several times, which resulted in long delays? I proceed with much more reliance on God for his help and love.

My issues expose my sins: anger, impatience, and lack of kindness, and I know only Jesus can wash my sins away with his blood. Ok, that is a significant high-level blessing, but what do I do day by day?

1. I tend to read my Bible or do my Bible Study. That is my go-to when things get tough. Then my contemplation and mediations take on a new life because I feel like I’m growing spiritually and “growing my relationship with Jesus.”

2. I watch “The Chosen” videos or live streams during the season. “The Chosen” portrays Jesus and his disciples better than any other series or movie I have seen. Additionally, I do my “Chosen” bible study with my wife. This gives me much insight into how the disciples handled their day-to-day issues.

3. I read books like “The Mystical Qabalah” by Dion Fortune. She teaches how the Tree of Life is about balance and equilibrium. For instance, regarding my issue with the contractor, I ask myself if I’m being too Merciful (Chesed) or too Severe (Geburah). I was a Marine and a Master in Kenpo. Sometimes I become aggressive instead of being appropriately assertive.

4. I bounce things off my wife. Again, another reflection on the Tree of Life is on the Archetypal Male and Female. I need to understand the female perspective. My wife almost always gives me much-needed insight into my issues.

But I’m not going to kid myself into thinking that my issues will be taken away – but I do believe they might be more manageable and have less power over me.

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Robert Barnett

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

This excerpt, drawn from our broader exposition on "Contemplation: The Purgative Way," extends our exploration into the territory of self-control, a critical milestone in our spiritual journey.

Upon embracing the grace of faith, learning the significance of God's reverence, and journeying through the avenue of repentance, our next crucial step involves taming our desires and severing our worldly attachments. But the linchpin of this process rests on the ability to regulate our thoughts. This sentiment echoes throughout spiritual literature and forms the backbone of Jesus's teachings. We can start by harnessing the power of Mindfulness, observing our own internal landscape, and focusing particularly on our thought patterns.

Developing self-control is a highly personalized skill, its nuances unique to each individual. Each of us must discover techniques that resonate with us. I've found solace and guidance in prayer, affirmations, self-hypnosis, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and meditation. Additionally, I employ "The Sedona Method," which aids me in letting go of unhelpful thoughts. You might find my list of resources extensive, yet the tools you choose can vary widely. But no matter the specifics of your strategy, the most effective route to self-control is through God's grace. Prayer and Bible Study should form the cornerstones of your practice.

The Book of Titus (2:11-12) enlightens us with this divine wisdom:

"For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all, training us to renounce impiety and worldly passions, and in the present age to live lives that are self-controlled, upright, and godly..."

Self-control is not merely an exercise in personal restraint but a reflection of divine wisdom. Proverbs 29:11, along with Proverbs 1:1-5, signifies this, presenting self-control as the hallmark of the wise.

Moreover, self-control transcends being an individual virtue and emerges as a testament to Christian character. Galatians 5:22-23 underlines this sentiment, along with passages from 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8, Titus 2:2, 5-6, and 2 Peter 1:5-9.

In the journey toward spiritual growth and divine alignment, self-control is both a step and a destination. It is a balancing act between the world within and the world without, a dance between the mundane and the divine, a testament to the harmony achievable between human will and God's grace.

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