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The Hermetic Qabalah and Tree of Life



The Hermetic Qabalah is a system of mystical and esoteric teachings that evolved from Jewish mysticism and was later adopted by various Western occult traditions. The word "Qabalah" is derived from the Hebrew word קַבָּלָה (kabbalah), which means "reception" or "tradition." The Hermetic Qabalah is based on a symbolic representation of the universe known as the Tree of Life, which is composed of ten Sephiroth and twenty-two paths that connect them.


The Hermetic Qabalah draws on various spiritual and philosophical traditions, including Jewish mysticism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, and Gnosticism, among others. It is characterized by its emphasis on correspondences between different aspects of the universe, such as the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, the Hebrew alphabet, the planets, the elements, and the Tarot. These correspondences are seen as a way of understanding the underlying unity of the universe and the interrelatedness of all things.


The Hermetic Qabalah is also associated with various magical and ritual practices, such as meditation, visualization, and invocation of spiritual entities. These practices are used to enhance one's spiritual growth and to achieve specific goals, such as spiritual enlightenment, healing, and the attainment of personal power. The Hermetic Qabalah is considered by many to be a comprehensive system of spiritual and magical teachings that can lead to profound insights and transformative experiences for those who study and practice it.



The Hermetic Qabalah Tree of Life


1.    Kether (Crown) - represents the highest level of consciousness, divine unity, and the source of all creation. Kether is associated with the color white, the Hebrew letter א (aleph), the divine name Eheieh Asher Eheieh, and the archangelic name Metatron.


2.    Chokmah (Wisdom) - represents pure awareness, inspiration, and the power of creation. Chokmah is associated with the color grey, the Hebrew letter ב (beth), the divine name Yah, and the archangelic name Ratziel.


3.    Binah (Understanding) - represents understanding, intuition, and the power to comprehend divine wisdom. Binah is associated with the color black, the Hebrew letter ג (gimel), the divine name Yahweh Elohim, and the archangelic name Tzaphkiel.


4.    Chesed (Mercy) - represents benevolence, kindness, and the power of expansion and growth. Chesed is associated with the color blue, the Hebrew letter ד (daleth), the divine name El, and the archangelic name Tzadkiel.


5.    Geburah (Severity) - represents justice, discipline, and the power of contraction and limitation. Geburah is associated with the color red, the Hebrew letter ה (heh), the divine name Elohim Gibor, and the archangelic name Khamael.


6.    Tiphareth (Beauty) - represents harmony, balance, and the power of manifestation and transformation. Tiphareth is associated with the color yellow, the Hebrew letter ו (vav), the divine name Yahweh Eloah VaDaath, and the archangelic name Raphael or Michael.


7.    Netzach (Victory) - represents perseverance, creativity, and the power of passion and desire. Netzach is associated with the color green, the Hebrew letter ז (zayin), the divine name Yahweh Tzabaoth, and the archangelic name Haniel.


8.    Hod (Splendor) - represents communication, intellect, and the power of logical analysis and organization. Hod is associated with the color orange, the Hebrew letter ח (cheth), the divine name Elohim Tzabaoth, and the archangelic name Michael or Raphael.


9.    Yesod (Foundation) - represents imagination, creativity, and the power of manifestation in the physical world. Yesod is associated with the color purple, the Hebrew letter ט (tet), the divine name Shaddai El Chai, and the archangelic name Gabriel.


10.    Malkuth (Kingdom) - represents the physical world, material reality, and the power of manifestation and manifestation. Malkuth is associated with the color citrine, the Hebrew letter י (yod), the divine name Adonai Ha-Aretz, and the archangelic name Sandalphon.


Practical Applications


By studying the correspondences and relationships between the Sephiroth, divine names, and archangelic names, individuals can better understand the nature of the universe and the divine. They can use this knowledge to enhance their spiritual practice and achieve their goals through magic.


The Individual Psyche

The Sephiroth are not only associated with specific correspondences and practices but also represent different aspects of the individual psyche. According to Qabalistic teachings, each Sephirah corresponds to a different aspect of the human personality and can be used to gain insight into one's own strengths, weaknesses, and spiritual potential. By working with the Sephiroth, individuals can cultivate different qualities and virtues within themselves, such as compassion, creativity, discipline, and intuition.


In addition to their individual significance, the Sephiroth are also connected by a series of paths on the Tree of Life. These paths represent the ways in which the different Sephiroth interact and influence one another and can be used to gain insight into the dynamics of the individual psyche as well as the larger universe. By studying the correspondences and relationships between the Sephiroth and the paths that connect them, individuals can better understand all things interconnectedness and the universe's underlying unity.

  • The paths between the spheres of the Tree of Life represent the journey of spiritual evolution, and each path has its own unique set of teachings and practices. 

  • For example, the path from Kether to Chokhmah is associated with the concept of pure consciousness and attaining a state of pure awareness. 

  • The path from Binah to Chesed is associated with the concept of mercy and compassion and the idea that one must cultivate kindness and generosity towards oneself and others.


Magical Practices

The study and practice of Qabalah is not only a means of spiritual growth and self-discovery but can also be used to enhance one's magical abilities. By understanding the correspondences and relationships between the Sephiroth and the Shem HaMephorash angels, individuals can use this knowledge to create more effective magical practices and to achieve their goals more efficiently. 


In addition to meditation and visualization, the use of ritual is also an important aspect of Hermetic Qabalah magic. Rituals often involve the use of symbols, such as the Tarot or the Hebrew alphabet, as well as the invocation of spiritual entities, such as angels or elemental spirits. These entities are seen as intermediaries between the human and divine realms. They are called upon to assist in achieving specific goals, such as healing, protection, or attaining personal power.


The use of gemstones, herbs, and other natural materials is also common in Hermetic Qabalah magic, as these are seen as carriers of specific energies that can be harnessed for magical purposes. For example, certain gemstones may be associated with specific planets or elements and may be used in rituals or carried as talismans to enhance their corresponding energies.




One of the most common practices associated with Hermetic Qabalah magic is meditation, which is used to achieve a state of deep concentration and to connect with the divine energies represented by the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Visualization is also a common practice, which involves the creation of mental images of specific symbols, such as the Sephiroth or the archangels associated with them, to enhance one's connection with the spiritual realm.

  • Each Sephirah is a nexus of divine energy, and each has several attributions. These attributions enable the Qabalist to form a conception of each Sephirah's characteristics.

  • This manner of applying many attributions to each Sephirah is an example of the diverse nature of Hermetic Qabalah. For example, the Sephirah Tiphareth has many attributions: Beauty, Grace, the Sun, Jesus, and the Archangel Michael or Raphael.

  • Generally, the Qabalist will meditate on all these attributions or correspondences to understand and feel the energy of an individual sephirah or the entire Tree of Life.

  • By using the "Middle Pillar Ritual," published by Israel Regardie, the Qabalist can awaken the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life within themselves. An advanced form is to awaken the entire Tree of Life within one's auric field following the sequence of "The Lightning Flash" (The sequence of emanations from 1 through 10).


In summary, the Hermetic Qabalah is a comprehensive system of spiritual and magical teachings that provides practitioners with a variety of tools and practices for achieving spiritual growth and effecting change in the world around them.

Understanding the Western Mysteries

The Western Mysteries

The Hermetic Qabalah

Tree of Life Part 1 (Correspondences)

Tree of Life Part 2

The Christian Cabalah


Working with Angels

The Work of Angels
Angelology Interpretations
72 Shem Angels
Invoking the 72 Shem Angels
Invoking the Archangel Tzadkiel

Other Important Topics

Author's Experience with The Qabalah
The Middle Pillar Ritual
Shorshei Ha-Shemot

The Druid Path

The Tarot

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Hermetic Qabalah Authors

© 2025 Robert Barnett

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