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The Middle Pillar Rituals









The Middle Pillar Ritual is an influential practice in magic and meditation, formulated within the mystical tradition of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It is often associated with Israel Regardie, a key figure in the Order, who detailed and expounded upon the ritual in his writings. Regardie saw this ritual not just as a mystical tool but also as a psychological one; he believed it to be a path to personal transformation and self-discovery.

At the heart of the Middle Pillar Ritual is the Western esoteric interpretation of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is a symbol derived from the Qabalah, representing a map of creation. It consists of ten spheres (called Sephiroth), which are interconnected by 22 paths. The Middle Pillar on this tree, running from the top sphere (Kether) to the bottom (Malkuth), is seen as representing the path of balanced energy and spiritual awakening.

In the context of the Golden Dawn tradition and Regardie's teachings, the Middle Pillar Ritual acts as a method of invoking divine energy, visualizing it descending down the Middle Pillar, and illuminating the practitioner's aura. Its ultimate purpose, beyond its occult significance, is seen as promoting psychological integration and self-realization.

It's also worth noting that the Middle Pillar Ritual has had a wide influence. Beyond the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, it has been incorporated into many different mystical traditions. It has a universal appeal due to its focus on personal transformation and the integration of various aspects of the self.

Benefits of The Middle Pillar

  1. Development of Concentration and Visualization Skills: The Middle Pillar Ritual requires sustained visualization and focused attention, helping practitioners improve their concentration skills. This heightened focus can extend to other areas of life, enhancing clarity, and mindfulness.

  2. Alignment and Balancing of Energies: The ritual aligns the practitioner with divine energies, facilitating balance, and harmony within the individual's subtle body. This energetic alignment can foster increased spiritual and psychological equilibrium, promoting overall well-being.

  3. Strengthening Connection with the Divine: By vibrating Divine Names, the practitioner seeks to attune to these divine energies, strengthening their connection with divine consciousness and promoting spiritual growth.

  4. Psychic and Spiritual Development: Regular practice of the Middle Pillar Ritual can stimulate psychic faculties, potentially leading to experiences of heightened intuition, spiritual visions, or other metaphysical phenomena.

  5. Manifestation and Transformation: By harnessing and circulating divine energy, practitioners can use the Middle Pillar Ritual as a powerful tool for personal transformation and the manifestation of their will. This practice allows individuals to become active participants in their spiritual evolution.

I will introduce "The Middle Pillar Ritual" as Israel Regardie initially taught it and later updated by Chic Cicero. I will then add the Archangels to the basic Middle Pillar Ritual, and lastly, I'll add some variations that I have learned from other authors, such as David Rankine and John Michael Greer. Finally, I'll explain how I practice The Middle Pillar and Lightning Flash Rituals. 

I have practiced "The Middle Pillar Ritual" and my variations for over 45 years and have gained some insights that may aid your practice. However, ultimately you will most likely modify the ritual according to your own experiences, which is how it should be. As a co-founder of a Hermetic Qabalistic Order, I've observed that most of us have the best results by starting with the basic rituals as taught historically, such as the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and The Middle Pillar Ritual, and after many months of practice, begin adapting the rituals as needed based upon your results and insights.

The Middle Pillar Ritual - Part One
  1. KETHER Visualize a point of light like a star. Inhale and visualize a stream of light descending to your Crown forming a white circle of 8 inches. Breathe in and on the out-breath, vibrate EHIEH (pronounced Eh-heh-yeh). Repeat 3 times.

  2. DAATH With the next in-breath, bring the stream of light down to the throat center and visualize a soft gray circle of 8 inches. Breathe in and on the out-breath vibrate YHVH ELOHIM (pronounced Yah-Way Eh-Low-Himm). Repeat 3 times.

  3. TIPHERETH With the next in-breath, bring the stream of light down to the heart center and visualize a bright yellow circle of 8 inches. Breathe in and on the out-breath, vibrate YAHWEH ELOAH VA-DAATH (pronounced Yah-Way  Elo-Ah  Va-Da-Ath). Repeat 3 times. 

  4. YESOD With the next in-breath, bring the stream of light down to the groin center and visualize a purple circle of 8 inches. Breathe in and on the out-breath vibrate SHADDAI EL CHAI (pronounced Shad-I-El-Chi). Repeat 3 times. 

  5. MALKUTH With the next in-breath, bring the stream of light down to your feet and visualize an earth-colored circle of 8 inches. Breathe in and on the out-breath, vibrate ADONAI HA ARETZ (pronounced Ad-Do-Na-I  Ha  Are-Rets). Repeat 3 times. 




Circulation of Light

  1. Side to Side: Begin to circulate the light around your auric field, down the left side, and up the right. Repeat 3 times.

  2. Front to Back: Now circulate the light up your back and down your front. Repeat 3 times.

  3. Shower of Light: Pull the energy up from your feet (Malkuth) to the top of your head (Kether), and now visualize a fountain of energy flowing down all around you. Repeat 3 times.

  4. Ascending Spiral: Visualize the light spiraling around the outside of your body from Malkuth to Kether. Repeat 3 times.

  5. Cross your arms right over left on your chest and chant the Divine Name that you are most devoted to 3 or more times until you feel a Divine Presence.

The Middle Pillar Ritual - Part Two
  1. Use the same visualizations as with Middle Pillar Part One – the only difference with this version is the addition of Archangelic Names.

  2. KETHER Vibrate the Divine Name EHIEH three times. Vibrate the Archangel Name METATRON three times.

  3. DAATH Vibrate the Divine Name YHVH ELOHIM three times. Vibrate the Archangel Name TZAPHKIEL three times.

  4. TIPHERETH Vibrate the Divine Name YAHWEH ELOAH VE-DAATH three times. Vibrate Archangel Name MICHAEL three times.

  5. YESOD Vibrate the Divine Name SHADDAI EL CHAI three times. Vibrate the Archangel Name GABRIEL three times.

  6. MALKUTH Vibrate the Divine Name ADONAI HA ARETZ three times. Vibrate the Archangel Name SANDALPHON three times.

  7. Circulation of Light as with Middle Pillar Part One


My Middle Pillar Practices


In the Sefer Yetzirah - Aryeh Kaplan's translation, he says: "The Sefirot are the means through which God communicates with His creation. They are also the means through which man communicates with God." He goes on to say: "One should not in any way worship the Sefirot or pray to them. One may, however, use them as a channel." For me, meditating on the symbols and energies of the Tree of Life stimulates reciprocal energy fields within me. If we use the tree to both ascend and descend and receive its polarities in harmony, it is always a great advance to our being.

Invoking and then connecting to Kether is challenging at best. In her classic Mystical Qabalah, Dion Fortune states: "It (Kether) is the Primal Glory because no created being can attain to its essence." She says that Kether is the "Concealed of the Concealed." So, we will be dealing with an extreme abstract when we invoke Kether. But Kether is paramount for our intention of establishing the Tree of Life in our Aura.

Kether, often referred to as "The Crown," represents the first and highest emanation in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Within the context of the Middle Pillar Ritual, Kether is symbolically linked to the divine unity, the prima materia, the original point of emanation from the ultimate divine source. It serves as the initial spark of creation, reflecting the purity and totality of the Godhead. It stands as a silent reminder of the transcendental, signifying the beginning of the manifestation process and the birth of conscious awareness.

With these invocations, I visualize the Names of the Sephiroth, the Divine Names, and the Archangelic Names in Hebrew Letters. I engrave these Names in golden letters. For example, the Name of Kether is כתר

The ability to read Biblical Hebrew is strongly encouraged. Reading the consonants is good for visualization, as I just explained. But for chanting the Divine Names, you will need to be able the read the vowel markings below the consonants. In this document, I provide the phonetic pronunciations.

  1. I start by focusing on Ain Soph, the Limitless Light that exists far beyond the sky. I try to understand Ain Soph as "The Source ." Following this, I call for the White Light of the Divine Spirit, stating: "May the White Light of the Divine Spirit descend."

  2. Then, I picture a light beam descending to the Crown Center that is just above the middle of my head. This light forms a white circle, beginning as a small point and growing into a bright, 8-inch circle.

  3. I breathe in deeply, and on the exhale, I chant the Divine Name Eheieh (pronounced Eh-heh-yeh) three times. While doing this, I visualize Eheieh as an Ancient bearded king seen in profile.

  4. Now, I state: "Kether – The Crown." After spending some time feeling connected with Kether, I imagine the brilliance of Kether filling up my entire "body of light."

  5. Next, I breathe in deeply and, on the exhale, I chant the Archangelic Name Metatron three times. As I chant, I picture Metatron as the Archangel signifying the Divine Presence, visualizing him as a radiant white archangel standing far above everything, representing the presence of God.

  6. After this, I reinforce my mental image of the Light from Ain Soph connecting to my Kether Center and visualize the Kether Center as a dazzling white light.

  7. Once again, I declare: "Kether – The Crown." I visualize the radiance of Kether filling my entire "body of light." כתר


We now invoke the Hidden Sephira Daath to stimulate its reciprocal energy field within you. Interestingly, Regardie "borrowed" the divine name and archangelic names from Binah. No divine or archangelic name was assigned to Daath at the time of his writing. There was not even a planet or element assigned. 

The Divine Name Ruach HaQadosh is now assigned to Daath and the Archangel Anphiel, thanks to David Rankine. Gareth Knight assigned a conjunction of the Divine Names Jehovah and Jehovah Elohim and the four Archangels of the Cardinal Points.

Daath, or "Knowledge," does not traditionally appear among the ten Sephiroth in most Qabalistic Tree of Life accounts. However, it holds a unique place in certain esoteric interpretations, where it is considered a hidden or "invisible" Sephira. Daath is often associated with the abyss or the vast gulf that separates the divine from the mundane. Its role in the Middle Pillar Ritual involves facilitating a deep spiritual awakening, acting as the repository of primordial wisdom and a bridge between conscious and unconscious realms.

  1. I start by envisioning a beam of light flowing down from Kether to my Daath Center, which is located in the middle of my neck. This light forms a light gray circle, initially as a small point that gradually expands into a bright, 8-inch circle.

  2. I take a deep breath, and, as I exhale, I chant the Divine Name Ruach HaQadosh (Roo-Ach Ha Koh-Dosh) three times. I think of  Ruach HaQadosh as God, The Holy Spirit. 

  3. Now, I proclaim: "Daath – Knowledge." I understand Daath can also mean awareness and understanding. After a few moments spent connecting with Daath, I imagine its gray glow filling my entire "light body."

  4. Next, I breathe in deeply and, as I exhale, I chant the Archangelic Name Anphiel three times. As I chant, I envision Anphiel as the Archangel of Knowledge, appearing as a bright dove gray archangel holding "The Book of Knowledge."

  5. I then strengthen the image of the Light from Kether connecting to my Daath Center, visualizing the Daath Center as a bright gray light.

  6. I announce once again: "Daath - Knowledge." I imagine the brilliance of Daath filling my entire "light body." דעת



Tiphereth, or "Beauty," occupies the central position in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, connecting the upper and lower Sephiroth and symbolizing the spiritual heart of the practitioner. Tiphereth signifies harmony, balance, and spiritual illumination and is traditionally linked with the sun. Within the Middle Pillar Ritual, Tiphereth plays a crucial role as the point of perfect equilibrium, where human consciousness aligns with divine consciousness, facilitating transformative spiritual experiences.

  1. I begin by envisioning a stream of light flowing from Kether and Daath to my Heart Center, which is located in the middle of my chest. This light forms a golden yellow circle, starting as a small point that gradually expands into a bright, 8-inch circle.

  2. I take a deep breath, and as I breathe out, I chant the Divine Name Yahweh Eloah ve-Da'ath (יהוה אלוה ודעת) three times. I visualize a majestic king, a child, and a crucified God.

  3. Now, I proclaim: "Tiphereth - Beauty." After spending a few moments connecting with Tiphereth, I envision its radiant golden yellow light filling my entire "Aura."

  4. Next, I breathe in deeply, and as I breathe out, I chant the Archangelic Name, Michael, three times. As I chant, I envision Michael as the Archangel of Tiphereth and the Sun, appearing as a bright white, red, golden Archangel wielding a sword.

  5. I then strengthen the image of the Light from Kether and Daath, which is now connected to my Heart Center; I envision the Tiphereth Center as a brilliant golden yellow light.

  6. Lastly, I announce once again: "Tiphereth - Beauty." I envision the brilliance of Tiphereth filling my entire "Aura." תפארת


Yesod, also known as "Foundation," corresponds to the ninth Sephira in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It serves as the basis for all physical manifestations and is associated with the moon, dreams, and the unconscious. As a significant Sephira in the Middle Pillar Ritual, Yesod embodies the transmutative forces that link the spiritual with the material. It mediates between the human self and the divine, acting as a vehicle for accessing and integrating unconscious contents into conscious awareness.


  1. I start by picturing a beam of light flowing down from my Kether, Daath, and Tiphereth Centers to my Yesod Center, which is located at the middle of my groin level. This light forms a purple circle, starting as a small point that gradually expands into a bright, 8-inch circle.

  2. I take a deep breath, and, as I breathe out, I chant the Divine Name Shaddai El Chai three times. I picture Shaddai El Chai as a beautiful naked man, very strong.

  3. At this point, I proclaim: "Yesod – Foundation." After spending a few moments connecting with Yesod, I imagine its purple glow filling my entire "Aura."

  4. Next, I breathe in deeply and, as I breathe out, I chant the Archangelic Name Gabriel (Gav-Ri-El) three times. As I chant, I picture Gabriel as the Archangel of Yesod and the element of Water. She appears as a bright blue and orange archangel holding lilies or a cup.

  5. I then strengthen the image of the Light from Kether, Daath, and Tiphereth, which is now connected to my Yesod Center; I envision the Yesod Center as a brilliant purple light.

  6. I announce once again: "Yesod– Foundation." I envision the brilliance of Yesod filling my entire "Aura." יסוד



Malkuth, referred to as "The Kingdom," is the final and tenth Sephira on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Representing the physical world, it is synonymous with the earthly realm and embodies the final point of divine manifestation. In the context of the Middle Pillar Ritual, Malkuth signifies the culmination of the practitioner's spiritual journey, the integration of the divine in the tangible world. It serves as a reminder of the immanent presence of the divine, underscoring the principle of 'as above, so below.'

  1. I envision a stream of light flowing down from Kether, Daath, Tiphereth, and Yesod to my Malkuth Center, located between my feet. This light forms an earthy brown and light green circle, beginning as a small point and expanding into a bright, 8-inch circle.

  2. I take a deep breath, and, as I breathe out, I chant the Divine Name Adonai Ha Aretz three times. I picture Adonai Ha Aretz as the Lord of Earth, taking the form of a young woman crowned, enthroned, and veiled.

  3. At this point, I proclaim: "Malkuth – Kingdom." After spending a few moments connecting with Malkuth, I envision its radiant earthly glow filling my entire "Aura."

  4. Next, I breathe in deeply and, as I breathe out, I chant the Archangelic Name  Sandalphon three times. While chanting, I envision Sandalphon, the Archangel of Malkuth, as a very tall archangel dressed in a brown robe.

  5. I then strengthen the image of the Light from Kether, Daath, and Yesod connected to my Malkuth Center between my feet.

  6. I proclaim once again: "Malkuth– Kingdom." I envision the radiance of Malkuth filling my entire "Aura." מלכות

The Circulation of Light


  1. Visualize yourself backing into the Tree of Life. The White Pillar of Mercy is on your left side. Chokmah is just outside of your left cheek. Chesed is located on your left shoulder. Netzach is on your left hip. The Black Pillar of Severity is on your right side. Binah is just outside of your right cheek. Gaburah is located on your right shoulder. Hod is on your right hip.

  2. Begin to circulate the light around your Aura, down the left side, and up the right. Repeat 3 times.

  3. Now circulate the light around your Aura, up your back, and down your front. Repeat 3 times.

  4. Lastly, pull the energy up from your feet (Malkuth) to the top of your head (Kether), and now visualize a fountain of energy flowing down all around you. Repeat 3 times.

  5. Visualize your expanded Aura as brilliant white and golden light.

  6. Cross your arms right over left on your chest and chant the Divine Name you are most devoted to thrice or more until you feel a Divine Presence. Chant Yehoshua is pronounced (Yeh-hesh-shoo-ah) or Yeshua (Jesus). You could also chant IAO (EE-Ah-Oh)



  1. Visualize yourself backing into the Tree of Life. The White Pillar of Mercy is on your left side. Chokmah is just outside of your left cheek. Chesed is located on your left shoulder. Netzach is on your left hip. The Black Pillar of Severity is on your right side. Binah is just outside of your right cheek. Gaburah is located on your right shoulder. Hod is on your right hip.

  2. Chant the Divine and Archangelic Names 3 times for each Sephira and visualize each Sephira in your Aura.

  3. Visualize both the Sephira and The Paths in your Aura. Look at this document's "Tree of Life Image" to orient yourself. Regarding the paths, remember that all the vertical paths lead to Tiphereth except for Malkuth. Visualize all the paths from the Sephiroth leading to Tiphereth. And lastly, the path from Malkuth to Yesod.

  4. Pull all the energy from each Sephira above Tiphereth into Tiphereth. Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Daath, Chesed and Gevurah.

  5. Pull all the energy from each Sephira below Tiphereth into Tiphereth. Malkuth, Yesod, Hod and Netzach.

  6. All the energy of the Tree of Life is now in Tiphereth. Sense this balanced energy. Visualize it as a large sphere of Golden Light within your chest.

  7. Cross your arms right over left on your chest and chant the Divine Name you are most devoted to thrice or more until you feel a Divine Presence. Chant Yehoshua which is pronounced (Yeh-hesh-shoo-ah) or Yeshua (Jesus). You could also chant IAO (EE-Ah-Oh)

  8. Expand the energy in Tiphereth Center into your full "Aura ." State: I am surrounded by the pure golden light of Jesus Christ; nothing but good shall come to me, nothing but good shall flow from me, I give thanks."





1. Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual - Part Two

2. Invoking Whirl

  • Place your attention on the Star far above your head. 

  • Draw down the white light from the Star on the in-breath, and with the out-breath vibrate יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshua (Yeh-hesh-oo-wah) 3 times.

  • Visualize the Name filling all the sides of your heart center.

3. Expanding Whirl

  • Visualize the name Yeshua descending from your heart center (Tiphereth) to your feet (Malkuth).

  • With the Sign of the Enterer, exhale and bring the name back to your heart center (Tiphereth). 

  • Vibrate the second Divine Name YHVShH (Hay-ho-vash-shah).

  • Assume the Sign of Silence to call the response from Deity and draw in energy from your aura.​

4. Lesser Conjunction

  • Visualize the Malkuth center at your feet.

  • Now on the in-breath, visualize a green light coming from the core of the Earth and establishing itself in your Malkuth center. Repeat the visualization 6 times.

  • Visualize the white light from the Star above descending into your Malkuth center. Repeat 6 times.

  • Circulate the energy between Malkuth and Tiphereth 4 times. You have now mixed solar energy with earth energy.

5. Greater Conjunction

  • Draw the green earth energy into your Tiphereth center with an in-breath.

  • Draw the white solar energy from the Higher into your Tiphereth center with an in-breath.

  • Draw the energy called by the second Name YHShVH from your aura into your Tiphereth center with an in-breath.

  • Vibrate the Divine Names YHShVH and YHVShH and visualize a golden light radiating through your body and into your aura and hold for a time. You have now mixed the Solar, Earth, and Lunar Energies.



Understanding the Western Mysteries

The Western Mysteries

The Hermetic Qabalah

Tree of Life Part 1 (Correspondences)

Tree of Life Part 2

The Christian Cabalah


Working with Angels

The Work of Angels
Angelology Interpretations
72 Shem Angels
Invoking the 72 Shem Angels
Invoking the Archangel Tzadkiel

Other Important Topics

Author's Experience with The Qabalah
The Middle Pillar Ritual
Shorshei Ha-Shemot

The Druid Path

The Tarot

Merkabah Mysticism

Hermetic Qabalah Authors

The Tree of Life

The Middle Pillar Ritual is designed to balance and activate the spiritual energies within the practitioner.


Its name originates from the middle pillar on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, symbolizing equilibrium, and the spiritual ascension pathway.


The primary intention of this ritual is to facilitate the invoking, balancing, and circulating of spiritual energy within the practitioner's aura, also referred to as the "subtle body" or "energy body."

The Tree of Life

© 2025 Robert Barnett

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