Secrets of The Major Arcana of the Tarot
I began my study of the Tarot in the early 1980s with the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), an organization founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case. This experience was profoundly enriching. For several years, I immersed myself in the teachings of Dr. Case and Ann Davies. My journey included reading key works by Dr. Case, such as "The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages" and "The Tarot Card Meanings Fundamentals," among others. I hand painted the Major Arcana cards twice and recently completed the Minor Arcana, making a total of 78 cards. I am confident that these positive archetypal images have become deeply imprinted in my subconscious.
As the founder of BOTA, Dr. Case developed a highly systematic methodology grounded in his extensive expertise in Western esotericism. He emphasized the critical roles of meditation and academic study in understanding the intricate meanings of each Tarot card. His work aimed to establish a comprehensive training program that situates the Tarot as a central pillar of the Western Mystery Tradition. Both Dr. Case and BOTA strongly advocate for meditation on the Tarot cards as a method for internalizing their meanings and unlocking deeper spiritual insights.

The Major Arcana
0 The Fool
New beginnings, spontaneity, taking a leap of faith. The Fool invites you to step into the unknown with faith and an open heart. It's a card that encourages you to embrace the journey, even if you don't know where it will lead.
Correspondences: Aleph (א) Meaning Ox. In Astrology the Element of Air.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Aleph (א)
Aleph is associated with the concept of an ox, symbolizing strength and primordial power. It also corresponds to the element of Air, representing the life-breath or the initial impulse for creation.
• Cliff and Abyss:
The Fool is often depicted standing at the edge of a cliff, symbolizing the unknown or the abyss of creation. This represents the Fool's journey into the material world and the risks and opportunities that come with it.
• White Rose:
The white rose in the Fool's hand symbolizes purity and spiritual unfoldment.
• Small Satchel:
The satchel carried by the Fool contains all the experiences to be encountered in life, symbolized by the other Tarot cards.
• Dog:
The small dog at the Fool's heels represents natural instincts or the animalistic side of human nature, which can either aid or impede the Fool's journey.
• Sun:
The sun in the background symbolizes the divine light of wisdom and guidance.
• Eagle-Feathered Cap:
The feathered cap is often interpreted as a symbol of spiritual aspiration, and the eagle feathers specifically may symbolize a high spiritual ideal or divine wisdom.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on this card to internalize its complex symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed the Fool as the protagonist of the Tarot's symbolic journey, embodying the spirit in search of experience. The Fool is seen as both the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, representing the eternal cycle of creation and dissolution.
Upright Meanings:
• New beginnings: The Fool often appears when you're on the verge of a new phase in your life.
• Spontaneity: The card encourages you to take some risks and embrace unpredictability.
• Freedom: The Fool is unburdened by material possessions or societal expectations, symbolizing ultimate freedom.
• Innocence: The Fool is like a child, full of wonder and open to new experiences.
Reversed Meanings:
• Recklessness: Acting without thinking, taking unnecessary risks.
• Naivety: Being overly optimistic or not seeing the reality of a situation.
• Lack of direction: Feeling lost or aimless.
• Missed opportunities: Failing to take advantage of new beginnings due to fear or hesitation.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it might indicate a new job or career path.
• In a love reading, it could signify a new relationship or a fresh start in an existing one.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a new spiritual journey or exploration.
1 The Magician
Manifestation, resourcefulness, power. The Magician encourages you to tap into your full potential and use your unique skills and resources to shape your destiny. It's a card that speaks to the power of focused intention and will.
Correspondences: Beth (ב) Meaning House. In Astrology the Planet Mercury.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Beth (ב)
Beth is associated with the concept of a house or a container, symbolizing form and structure. It also corresponds to the planet Mercury, emphasizing communication, intellect, and duality.
• Raised Wand and Lowered Hand:
The Magician is often depicted with one hand raised holding a wand, and the other hand pointing downward. This symbolizes the Hermetic axiom "As above, so below," indicating the Magician's ability to bring the divine will into the material world.
• Lemniscate Halo:
The infinity symbol or lemniscate above the Magician's head represents eternal life and the infinite possibilities of creation.
• Table with Symbols:
The table in front of the Magician usually holds a cup, a wand, a sword, and a pentacle, representing the four elements and the Minor Arcana suits. This signifies mastery over the material world.
• Garden of Roses and Lilies:
The garden behind the Magician is often filled with roses and lilies, symbolizing desire and pure thought, respectively.
• Red and White Clothing:
The Magician's red and white clothing symbolizes desire and purity, or the alchemical principles of Sulphur and Mercury.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on this card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed the Magician as the will or the initial impulse of the divine manifesting in the material world. The Magician is seen as the active principle that brings form to the Fool's raw potential.
Upright Meanings:
• Manifestation: The Magician has all the tools needed to bring ideas into reality.
• Resourcefulness: The card suggests that you have the skills and abilities to achieve your goals.
• Power: The Magician is a card of personal power and self-confidence.
• Skill: Mastery over the elements, indicating a high level of skill or expertise in some area.
Reversed Meanings:
• Manipulation: Using one's skills for deceit or personal gain at the expense of others.
• Lack of Confidence: Doubting one's abilities or suffering from imposter syndrome.
• Poor Planning: Having the tools but not the plan or focus to use them effectively.
• Missed Opportunities: Failing to take action or capitalize on one's skills.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a time to take the initiative or start a new venture.
• In a love reading, it could signify a magnetic attraction or the need to make a conscious choice.
• In a spiritual context, it often points to a time of increased awareness and connection with one's higher self.
2 The High Priestess
Intuition, unconscious knowledge, mystery. The High Priestess invites you to delve deeper into your own intuition and unconscious understanding. She encourages you to trust the wisdom that you have within, even if you can't articulate it in logical terms.
Correspondences: Gimel (ג) Meaning Camel. In astrology the Planet Moon.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Gimel (ג)
Gimel is associated with the concept of a camel, symbolizing the idea of carrying across or acting as a bridge between opposites. This aligns with the High Priestess's role as a mediator between the conscious and unconscious realms.
• Pillars:
The two pillars on either side of the High Priestess represent the pillars of Solomon's Temple, known as Boaz and Jachin. They symbolize duality—law and freedom, or severity and mercy—and the High Priestess sits between them as the reconciling force.
• Pomegranates:
The curtain behind her is decorated with pomegranates, a symbol of fertility and divine abundance.
• Moon Crown:
Her crown is shaped like a moon, symbolizing cycles, intuition, and the feminine principle.
• Scroll:
She holds a scroll labeled "Tora," indicating divine law or wisdom. The scroll is partly hidden, suggesting that higher wisdom is both revealed and concealed by the High Priestess.
• Cross on Chest:
The cross on her chest is an equal-armed cross, symbolizing the balanced integration of the four elements and the material world.
• Water:
The body of water at her feet represents the subconscious mind or the universal memory (Akashic Records).
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditation on this card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He saw the High Priestess as a card of intuition, inner wisdom, and the mysteries of the unconscious mind.
Upright Meanings:
• Intuition: The High Priestess is a call to trust your inner voice and instincts.
• Unconscious Knowledge: She often appears when there is more to a situation than meets the eye.
• Mystery: The card suggests that not everything is meant to be known; some things are meant to be felt or intuited.
• Spiritual Insight: She can represent a deep connection to the spiritual or the divine.
Reversed Meanings:
• Ignored Intuition: Not listening to your inner voice or ignoring signs.
• Surface-Level Understanding: Missing the deeper aspects or hidden elements of a situation.
• Emotional Imbalance: Being overly emotional or completely detached.
• Confusion: A lack of clarity or understanding, possibly leading to poor decisions.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it might indicate the need to trust your instincts about a job or business decision.
• In a love reading, it could signify a mysterious or intuitive connection between partners.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a deepening of spiritual understanding or the need for introspection.
3 The Empress
Fertility, nurturing, abundance. The Empress is a card that embodies the principles of nurturing, abundance, and fertility. She is often seen as the archetypal mother figure in the Tarot. The Empress encourages you to embrace the nurturing, creative, and abundant aspects of life. She invites you to connect deeply with your senses, your emotions, and the natural world.
Correspondences: Daleth (ד) Meaning Door. In astrology the Planet Venus.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Daleth (ד)
Daleth is associated with the concept of a door, symbolizing an entrance or a passage. It represents the transition from the unmanifest to the manifest, aligning with the Empress's role as a creative force.
• Venus Shield:
The shield with the symbol of Venus emphasizes the Empress's association with love, beauty, and fertility.
• Crown of Stars:
The crown of twelve stars on her head symbolizes dominion over the year and the zodiac, indicating her influence over cycles and growth.
• Wheat Field:
The field of wheat at her feet represents fertility and abundance, both in a literal and a metaphorical sense.
• Waterfall:
The flowing water behind her symbolizes the flow of emotion and intuition, as well as the life-giving properties of water.
• Scepter:
The scepter in her hand often takes the form of a cross, symbolizing her dominion over the created world.
• Pomegranates:
Her robe is often decorated with pomegranates, a symbol of fertility and divine abundance.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on this card to internalize its multifaceted symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed the Empress as the archetypal mother figure, embodying the nurturing and creative aspects of the divine. She is seen as the passive principle that receives the active influence of the Magician, leading to the creation and nurturing of form.
Upright Meanings:
• Fertility: The Empress often appears when there is a birth—either literal or metaphorical—on the horizon.
• Nurturing: She embodies maternal care, nurturing either yourself or others.
• Abundance: This card often indicates a period of prosperity and abundance in material or emotional aspects.
• Sensuality: The Empress is in tune with her senses and encourages you to explore your sensual side.
Reversed Meanings:
• Smothering: Over-nurturing to the point of stifling independence.
• Dependency: Relying too much on others for emotional or material support.
• Scarcity: Experiencing a lack of resources or emotional support.
• Neglect: Failing to nurture yourself or others, leading to emotional or physical depletion.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a creative project coming to fruition or a period of job satisfaction.
• In a love reading, it could signify deep emotional connection and possibly pregnancy.
• In a spiritual context, it often points to a period of emotional or spiritual growth.
4 The Emperor
Authority, structure, control. The Emperor encourages you to take charge of your own destiny, to set boundaries, and to enforce rules that will help you achieve your goals. He represents the structured aspect of life that provides stability but can also become confining if taken to an extreme.
Correspondences: Heh (ה) Meaning Window. In Astrology the Sign of Aries.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Heh (ה)
Heh is associated with the concept of a window, symbolizing vision and revelation. It also corresponds to the element of Fire, emphasizing the Emperor's dynamic and transformative energy.
• Red Robe and Armor:
The Emperor is often depicted wearing a red robe and armor, symbolizing his active nature and his role as a protector and enforcer of law.
• Ram Heads:
The throne is often adorned with ram heads, symbolizing the zodiac sign Aries, which is ruled by Mars. This emphasizes the Emperor's qualities of initiative and leadership.
• Ankh and Orb:
The Emperor holds an ankh and an orb, symbolizing life and dominion, respectively.
• Mountainous Background:
The rugged mountains in the background symbolize challenges and the establishment of order out of chaos.
• Crossed Legs:
The Emperor's crossed legs form a right angle, symbolizing the principle of measurement and law, which he embodies.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on this card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed the Emperor as the archetypal father figure, embodying the principles of authority, structure, and governance. The Emperor is seen as the active principle that imposes order on the fertile chaos represented by the Empress, thereby creating structured reality.
Upright Meanings:
• Authority: The Emperor is a symbol of power, governance, and rule.
• Structure: This card often appears when you need to create order out of chaos.
• Control: It suggests a situation where control and leadership are essential.
• Discipline: The Emperor is about setting boundaries and rules, often self-imposed for personal growth.
Reversed Meanings:
• Tyranny: Exerting control in an oppressive manner.
• Rigidity: Being inflexible or overly structured, to the point of being detrimental.
• Lack of Discipline: Failing to set or adhere to necessary boundaries.
• Weak Leadership: Either you or someone in your life is not stepping up as a leader.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a promotion, or it could suggest the need for better organization.
• In a love reading, it could signify a relationship with a strong power dynamic or the need for more structure.
• In a spiritual context, it often points to the need for disciplined practice or ethical conduct.
5 The Hierophant
Tradition, spirituality, conformity. The Hierophant serves as a bridge between the divine and the mundane, guiding seekers on their spiritual journey. He encourages you to explore your spiritual beliefs and to understand the traditions that have shaped you.
Correspondences: Vav, Meaning Pin, Nail, or Hook. In Astrology the sign Taurus.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Vav (ו)
Vav is associated with the concept of a nail or hook, symbolizing connection and attachment. It represents the principle of linking and mediation, which aligns with the Hierophant's role as a bridge between the divine and the mundane.
• Papal Tiara and Staff:
The Hierophant is often depicted wearing a papal tiara and holding a triple-cross staff, symbolizing his spiritual authority and the threefold nature of the divine.
• Two Pillars:
Similar to the High Priestess, the Hierophant is also shown between two pillars, representing law and liberty, or severity and mercy. However, unlike the High Priestess, he acts as an enforcer of tradition and dogma.
• Keys:
The crossed keys at his feet symbolize the keys to heaven and hell, indicating his role in unlocking spiritual truths or mysteries.
• Devotees:
The two figures at his feet represent the exoteric and the esoteric aspects of religious teachings, and they look to the Hierophant for guidance and wisdom.
• Hand Gesture:
The Hierophant's raised hand is often making a specific mudra or gesture, symbolizing blessings or the transmission of wisdom.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on this card to internalize its complex symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed the Hierophant as the keeper of sacred traditions and esoteric wisdom. The Hierophant serves as a mediator between the divine and human realms, providing the keys to understanding spiritual truths and religious dogma.
Upright Meanings:
• Tradition: The Hierophant often appears when traditional values or institutions are in focus.
• Spirituality: This card suggests a period of spiritual learning or seeking guidance from a spiritual mentor.
• Conformity: It may indicate the need to follow established social structures and norms.
• Moral Ethics: The Hierophant often represents a moral or ethical dilemma that needs resolving.
Reversed Meanings:
• Dogmatism: Following tradition or doctrine without questioning its relevance or appropriateness.
• Rebellion: Rejecting traditional values or norms, sometimes to one's detriment.
• Misguidance: Receiving or giving advice that is not in one's best interest.
• Ethical Lapse: Failing to adhere to moral or ethical principles.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a traditional career path or the need for professional guidance.
• In a love reading, it could signify a traditional relationship or the importance of shared values.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests seeking guidance from a spiritual or religious mentor.
6 The Lovers
Choices, partnerships, duality. The Lovers card encourages you to make conscious choices, whether in relationships, at work, or on your spiritual path. It serves as a reminder that every choice comes with consequences and that it's important to act in alignment with your values and beliefs. It is associated with the Hebrew letter "Zayin" (ז), which can be interpreted as a sword, symbolizing the power of choice and division.
Correspondences: Zayin (ז) Meaning Sword. In astrology the Sign Gemini.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Zayin (ז)
Zayin is associated with the concept of a sword, symbolizing division or separation, which aligns with the theme of choices inherent in The Lovers card.
• Two Figures:
The two figures often represent Adam and Eve, symbolizing the primal choices that define human experience.
• Archangel Raphael:
The angel above them is usually Archangel Raphael, representing healing and guidance.
• Mountain and Clouds:
The mountain and clouds in the background symbolize the ascent to higher understanding, which often comes through the resolution of dualities.
• Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life:
The trees behind the figures represent the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, symbolizing the moral and life-altering choices before them.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Lovers card to internalize its intricate symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Lovers as representing the fundamental human experience of choice, especially moral or spiritual choices that have long-lasting implications.
Upright Meanings:
• Choices: The Lovers card often appears when a significant choice or decision needs to be made.
• Partnerships: It can indicate a deep emotional or romantic connection.
• Duality: The card represents the tension between opposites and the need for balance.
• Moral or Ethical Choice: It often suggests a situation where you must choose between two paths, each with its own set of consequences.
Reversed Meanings:
• Indecision: Difficulty in making a choice or commitment.
• Imbalance: A relationship or situation that is out of balance, possibly due to poor choices.
• Disharmony: Conflicts or disagreements, often in a romantic context.
• Ethical Dilemma: A situation where the right choice is not clear, leading to moral ambiguity.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a choice between two job offers or career paths.
• In a love reading, it could signify a romantic decision or the need for balance in a relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a moral or ethical choice that has spiritual implications.
7 The Chariot
Willpower, victory, control. The Chariot encourages you to take control of your own destiny and to master the forces that you have at your disposal. It's a card that speaks to the power of focused intention and will.
Corrsepondences: Cheth (ח) Meaning Fence or Wall. In astrology the Sign of Caner.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Cheth (ח)
Cheth is associated with the concept of a fence, symbolizing boundaries and the containment of energy.
• Sphinxes or Horses:
The sphinxes or horses represent the dual forces (often black and white) that the charioteer must control.
• Armor and Canopy:
The charioteer's armor and the starry canopy above him symbolize protection and divine guidance, respectively.
• Cube-shaped Chariot:
The chariot is often cube-shaped, representing the material world that the charioteer has mastered.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Chariot card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Chariot as embodying the triumph of controlled willpower over chaotic forces, both internal and external.
Upright Meanings:
• Willpower: The Chariot is about harnessing your inner and outer resources to achieve your goals.
• Victory: This card often appears when a significant achievement or victory is near.
• Control: It suggests a situation where control and direction are important.
• Mastery: The Chariot represents mastery over the forces that would pull you in different directions.
Reversed Meanings:
• Lack of Control: Being pulled in different directions, leading to a lack of progress.
• Defeat: Failing to achieve a goal or facing setbacks.
• Aggression: Using force rather than willpower to achieve ends.
• Imbalance: A situation where different aspects of life are not in harmony.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a promotion or successful completion of a project.
• In a love reading, it could signify taking control of one's romantic destiny.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a journey or quest for personal mastery.
8 Strength
Courage, inner strength, compassion. The Strength card encourages you to harness your inner fortitude and to approach challenges with courage and compassion. It's a card that speaks to the transformative power of love and inner strength.
Correspondences: Teth (ט) Meaning Serpent. In Astrology the Sign of Leo.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Teth (ט)
Teth is associated with the concept of a serpent, symbolizing wisdom and transformation.
• Lion:
The lion that the woman is taming represents the animalistic and passionate aspects of human nature.
• Infinity Symbol:
The lemniscate or infinity symbol above her head, similar to the Magician, represents eternal life and infinite possibilities.
• Mountain Range:
The mountain range in the background symbolizes the spiritual heights attainable through the mastery of one's lower nature.
• White Robe:
The woman's white robe symbolizes purity, indicating that true strength comes from a place of purity and higher wisdom.
• Flower Garland:
The garland of flowers around the lion's neck and the woman's waist symbolizes the transformative power of love and compassion.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on the Strength card to internalize its multifaceted symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed Strength as representing the mastery of one's lower nature through the higher faculties of wisdom and compassion. The card embodies the harmonious balance between power and gentleness, showing that true strength is not just physical but also spiritual and emotional.
Upright Meanings:
• Courage: Strength is about facing your fears and challenges with courage.
• Inner Strength: This card often appears when inner resilience and moral fortitude are needed.
• Compassion: It suggests the power of kindness and understanding over brute force.
• Mastery: Strength represents mastery over one's emotions or circumstances.
Reversed Meanings:
• Cowardice: Failing to face challenges or confront issues.
• Weakness: Lacking the inner strength to deal with a situation.
• Cruelty: Using one's power to dominate or harm others.
• Lack of Self-Control: Being ruled by emotions or impulses rather than rational thought.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate the need for resilience and courage in the face of challenges.
• In a love reading, it could signify the importance of emotional strength and compassion in a relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a period of inner growth or the need for emotional balance.
9 The Hermit
Solitude, introspection, guidance. The Hermit encourages you to take time for solitude and introspection, to seek wisdom from within and from trusted mentors. It's a card that speaks to the value of inner guidance and the wisdom that comes from deep reflection.
Correspondences: Yod (י) Meaning Hand. In Astrology the Sign of Virgo.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Yod (י)
Yod is associated with the concept of an open hand, symbolizing the idea of manifestation and divine essence. It is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet, yet it contains the potential for all other letters.
• Lantern:
The Hermit holds a lantern with a six-pointed star inside, often interpreted as the Seal of Solomon, symbolizing wisdom and the divine light of guidance.
• Staff:
The staff that The Hermit leans on represents the Tree of Life and serves as a tool for measurement, indicating his role as a guide and a wise counselor.
• Mountain:
The mountain symbolizes attainment and the pinnacle of wisdom, indicating that The Hermit has reached a high level of understanding.
• Cloak:
The Hermit's cloak often represents isolation and solitude, emphasizing his withdrawal from the material world in pursuit of spiritual wisdom.
• Snow:
Snow at his feet can symbolize purity and the crystallization of ideas into form.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Hermit card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Hermit as the embodiment of wisdom and guidance, representing the inner teacher who illuminates our path with the light of higher consciousness. The Hermit serves as a bridge between the divine and the human, offering the light of wisdom to those willing to climb the mountain of spiritual attainment.
Upright Meanings:
• Solitude: The Hermit is about taking time alone for introspection and self-discovery.
• Introspection: This card often appears when a period of inner reflection is needed.
• Guidance: It suggests seeking or becoming a mentor in spiritual or intellectual pursuits.
• Wisdom: The Hermit represents the wisdom that comes from deep introspection and solitude.
Reversed Meanings:
• Isolation: Being cut off from others to a detrimental extent.
• Loneliness: Feeling alone even when support is available.
• Ignorance: Failing to seek or impart wisdom.
• Stagnation: Being stuck in a phase of introspection without action.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a need for focused, solitary work or study.
• In a love reading, it could signify a period of self-reflection or temporary separation.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a deepening of spiritual understanding or the need for retreat and contemplation.
10 Wheel of Fortune
Fate, destiny, change. The Wheel of Fortune encourages you to embrace the cycles of life, understanding that each phase has its purpose and lessons. It's a card that speaks to the ever-changing nature of existence and the ebb and flow of fortune.
Correspondences: Kaph (כ) Meaning Palm. In Astrology the Planet Jupiter.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Kaph (כ)
Kaph is associated with the concept of the palm, symbolizing receiving, embracing, or holding. This aligns with the themes of cycles, destiny, and change inherent in the Wheel of Fortune card.
• The Wheel:
The wheel itself represents the cycles of destiny, karma, and fate. It is often inscribed with various esoteric symbols, including the Tetragrammaton, representing the four elements and divine creation.
• Four Figures:
The four figures around the wheel—usually an angel, an eagle, a bull, and a lion—represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac and the four evangelists, symbolizing the immutable laws governing the universe.
• Sphinx:
The sphinx at the top of the wheel symbolizes the riddles and mysteries of life, as well as mastery over the cycles of fortune.
• Rota, Taro, Tora:
These words are often inscribed on the wheel, symbolizing, respectively, the wheel of karma, the Tarot itself, and the Torah or divine law.
• Serpent and Anubis:
A serpent descending and Anubis ascending on the wheel's sides represent the dual forces of life and death, creation and destruction.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on the Wheel of Fortune card to internalize its intricate symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed the Wheel of Fortune as a representation of the cyclical nature of life, governed by laws of destiny and karma. The card encourages you to embrace the cycles of life, understanding that each phase has its purpose and lessons. It's a card that speaks to the ever-changing nature of existence and the ebb and flow of fortune.
Upright Meanings:
• Cycles: The Wheel of Fortune suggests that life is made of cycles, both good and bad.
• Destiny: This card often appears when a significant life event or karmic lesson is unfolding.
• Change: It signifies a turning point in your life where things will start moving.
• Opportunity: The Wheel of Fortune often indicates a stroke of luck or a timely opportunity.
Reversed Meanings:
• Bad Luck: Experiencing setbacks or unfortunate events.
• Resistance to Change: Struggling against the natural cycles of life.
• Lack of Control: Feeling that things are happening to you rather than you having control.
• Stagnation: Being stuck in a cycle or phase without progression.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a change in job status, either a promotion or a setback.
• In a love reading, it could signify a turning point in the relationship, either positive or negative.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests that you are entering a significant phase of your spiritual journey.
11 Justice
Fairness, balance, law. The Justice card encourages you to act with fairness and ethical integrity, understanding that each decision has its consequences. It's a card that speaks to the importance of balance and the rule of law, both divine and human.
Correspondences: Lamed (ל) Meaning Ox Goad. In Astrology the Sign Libra.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Lamed (ל)
Lamed is associated with the concept of an ox goad, symbolizing the idea of action and movement, particularly in the direction of justice and fairness.
• Scales:
The scales that Justice holds represent the balance of truth and fairness. They symbolize the weighing of actions and their consequences.
• Sword:
The upright sword represents the power of reason and justice, indicating the ability to cut through deception and arrive at truth.
• Crown:
The crown often seen on Justice's head symbolizes divine authority and the immutable law of karma.
• Pillars and Veil:
The pillars and veil behind Justice are reminiscent of those seen in the High Priestess card, representing the esoteric wisdom that underlies earthly justice.
• Robes:
The robes of Justice are often red and green, symbolizing action and fertility, respectively. This indicates that justice is not a static concept but is continually reborn through actions.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on the Justice card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed Justice as the embodiment of fairness, karmic law, and divine equilibrium. The card serves as a reminder that actions have consequences and that the cosmic balance is maintained through the principles of justice and fairness.
Upright Meanings:
• Fairness: Justice is about making balanced and ethical decisions.
• Balance: This card often appears when equilibrium needs to be restored in some aspect of life.
• Law and Order: It can indicate legal matters or interactions with the law.
• Ethical Decisions: Justice represents the ethical or moral implications of a situation.
Reversed Meanings:
• Injustice: Experiencing or perpetuating unfairness.
• Imbalance: A situation where fairness and equilibrium are lacking.
• Legal Complications: Facing setbacks or challenges in legal matters.
• Unethical Behavior: Acting in a manner that is not aligned with one's moral or ethical principles.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a need for ethical decision-making or possibly facing a legal issue.
• In a love reading, it could signify the need for balance and fairness in the relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a karmic lesson or the need for ethical integrity.
12 The Hanged Man
Sacrifice, letting go, surrender. The Hanged Man encourages you to surrender to the flow of life and to be open to new perspectives. It's a card that speaks to the transformative power of surrender and the wisdom that comes from seeing things in a new light.
Correspondences: Mem (מ) Meaning Water. In Astrology the Element Water.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Mem (מ)
Mem is associated with the concept of water, symbolizing the idea of fluidity, reflection, and depth. It represents the emotional and subconscious realms, aligning with the themes of surrender and letting go in The Hanged Man card.
• Upside-Down Pose:
The Hanged Man's upside-down pose represents a reversal of perspective, inviting us to look at things from a different angle.
• Crossed Legs:
The Hanged Man's crossed legs form a shape similar to the number 4, symbolizing stability and structure but in a state of suspension, indicating a pause or a need for reflection.
• Halo:
The halo around The Hanged Man's head symbolizes enlightenment and spiritual insight, often gained through sacrifice or a period of introspection.
• Tree or T-shaped Cross:
The Hanged Man is often shown hanging from a tree or a T-shaped cross, symbolizing the Tree of Life and the axis between heaven and earth.
• Hands Behind Back:
His hands are often behind his back, symbolizing surrender and the relinquishing of control.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Hanged Man card to internalize its complex symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Hanged Man as representing the principle of surrender and sacrifice for higher wisdom. The card serves as a reminder that sometimes we need to let go of our conventional viewpoints or sacrifice immediate gratification for deeper, more meaningful insights.
Upright Meanings:
• Surrender: The Hanged Man is about letting go and surrendering to the flow of life.
• Change in Perspective: This card often appears when a new way of looking at a situation is needed.
• Sacrifice: It suggests that something may need to be given up to gain something of greater value.
• Waiting: The card can indicate a period of pause and reflection before action.
Reversed Meanings:
• Resistance: Struggling against what needs to be let go.
• Stagnation: Being stuck in a situation due to a lack of perspective.
• Selfishness: Unwillingness to make necessary sacrifices.
• Impatience: Rushing into action without adequate reflection.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a need for a change in approach or a period of waiting before a project can proceed.
• In a love reading, it could signify the need for sacrifice or a change in perspective about the relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a period of introspection or a mystical experience.
13 Death
Transformation, endings, new beginnings. The Death card encourages you to embrace the cycles of life, including the transformative power of endings and new beginnings. It's a card that speaks to the natural evolution of life's phases and the growth that comes from change.
Correspondences: Nun (נ) Meaning Fish. In Astrology the Sign Scorpio.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Nun (נ)
Nun is associated with the concept of a fish, symbolizing life and multiplication. This may seem paradoxical for a card named Death, but it aligns with the idea of cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
• Skeleton:
The skeleton represents the most basic form of existence and symbolizes the stripping away of all that is not essential.
• Scythe:
The scythe is a tool of harvest, symbolizing the cutting away of the old to make way for the new.
• Sun Setting/Rising:
The sun in the background, depending on interpretation, can be seen as either setting or rising, symbolizing endings and new beginnings.
• Fallen Figures:
The figures on the ground represent all levels of human existence (kings, bishops, and commoners), indicating that death is a universal experience.
• River:
The river in the background symbolizes the River Styx, the passage between life and death, but also the flow of life and transformation.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on the Death card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed Death not as a card of physical death, but as a symbol of transformation and change. The card serves as a reminder that life is a series of cycles, and that endings are often the precursors to new beginnings. It encourages us to let go of old patterns or ideas to make way for new growth.
Upright Meanings:
• Transformation: The Death card is about significant change and transformation.
• Endings: This card often appears when something is coming to an end, making way for something new.
• Renewal: It suggests a period of rebirth or renewal following a phase of stagnation or decay.
• Letting Go: The card can indicate the need to release old patterns or beliefs.
Reversed Meanings:
• Resistance to Change: Struggling against an inevitable transformation.
• Stagnation: Being stuck in a phase that needs to come to an end.
• Fear of Endings: An irrational fear of change or endings.
• Delayed Transformation: A necessary change is postponed or delayed.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate the end of a job or project and the beginning of a new phase.
• In a love reading, it could signify the end of a relationship or a significant transformation within one.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a profound spiritual transformation or the end of a particular phase of your spiritual journey.
14 Temperance
Balance, moderation, patience. The Temperance card encourages you to seek balance and moderation in all things, understanding that this equilibrium is crucial for spiritual growth and well-being. It's a card that speaks to the harmonization of opposites and the wisdom that comes from a balanced life.
Correspondences: Samekh (ס) Meaning Prop. In Astrology the Sign Sapittarius.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Samekh (ס)
Samekh is associated with the concept of a prop or support, symbolizing the idea of balance and equilibrium, which aligns perfectly with the themes of moderation and harmony in the Temperance card.
• Angel:
The angel often depicted in this card is usually considered to be Archangel Michael or a representation of the Higher Self, symbolizing divine guidance and inner wisdom.
• Two Cups:
The two cups that the angel is using to mix water symbolize the alchemical process of combining different elements to create a harmonious whole.
• One Foot in Water, One on Land:
This stance symbolizes the balance between the emotional and material worlds, indicating a state of inner equilibrium.
• Path and Rising Sun:
The path leading to a mountain with a rising sun symbolizes the spiritual journey toward enlightenment, facilitated by the practice of temperance.
• Iris Flowers:
If present, iris flowers symbolize hope and the promise of future blessings.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on the Temperance card to internalize its intricate symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed Temperance as embodying the principles of moderation, balance, and alchemical transformation. The card serves as a reminder that achieving a state of inner equilibrium is crucial for spiritual growth and that the blending of opposites can lead to greater wisdom and understanding.
Upright Meanings:
• Balance: Temperance is about finding equilibrium in various aspects of life.
• Moderation: This card often appears when a balanced approach is needed, avoiding extremes.
• Harmonization: It suggests the need to harmonize conflicting elements in your life.
• Spiritual Wisdom: Temperance often indicates a period of spiritual growth and understanding.
Reversed Meanings:
• Imbalance: Struggling to find equilibrium, leading to stress or conflict.
• Extremes: Engaging in behavior that is too one-sided or extreme.
• Disharmony: Experiencing conflict or tension in various aspects of life.
• Spiritual Disconnection: Feeling out of touch with your spiritual self or higher wisdom.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate the need for balance between work and personal life.
• In a love reading, it could signify the importance of compromise and balance in the relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a period of spiritual growth or the need for balance in spiritual practices.
15 The Devil
Bondage, materialism, temptation. The Devil card encourages you to examine your attachments and free yourself from any forms of bondage, whether material or emotional. It's a card that speaks to the importance of self-awareness and making choices that are aligned with your higher self.
Correspondences: Ayin (ע) Meaning Eye. In Astrology the Sign Capricorn.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Ayin (ע)
Ayin is associated with the concept of an eye, symbolizing perception and insight, but in this context, it often refers to illusion or misperception.
• Baphomet:
The central figure is often likened to Baphomet, a symbol of the material world and earthly desires.
• Chains:
The chained figures at the Devil's feet represent enslavement to material or base desires, indicating a lack of freedom. Importantly, the chains are often depicted as loose enough to be easily removed, suggesting that the bondage is self-imposed.
• Inverted Pentagram:
The inverted pentagram on the Devil's forehead symbolizes the inversion of spiritual values, focusing on the material at the expense of the spiritual.
• Torch:
The torch that the Devil holds is a perversion of enlightenment, representing false wisdom or illumination.
• Horned and Hooved:
The Devil's horns and hooves symbolize his animalistic nature, representing the lower aspects of human nature.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Devil card to internalize its complex symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Devil as a representation of materialism, illusion, and the bondage of the senses. The card serves as a cautionary symbol, warning against the pitfalls of becoming too engrossed in the material world at the expense of spiritual growth. It encourages introspection and the breaking free from self-imposed limitations or dependencies.
Upright Meanings:
• Bondage: The Devil is about feeling trapped by material desires or unhealthy behaviors.
• Materialism: This card often appears when there is an excessive focus on material gain.
• Temptation: It suggests being lured by pleasures or gains that may not be in your best interest.
• Shadow Self: The card can indicate the need to confront one's darker aspects or fears.
Reversed Meanings:
• Breaking Free: Overcoming limitations or unhealthy behaviors.
• Spiritual Focus: Shifting attention from material to spiritual concerns.
• Resisting Temptation: Making choices that are aligned with higher values.
• Self-Awareness: Gaining insight into one's limitations or negative patterns.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate being trapped in a job for material reasons.
• In a love reading, it could signify a relationship based on physical attraction rather than emotional or spiritual connection.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests confronting one's shadow self or darker aspects.
16 The Tower
Sudden change, upheaval, chaos.The Tower card encourages you to be prepared for sudden changes and to see them as opportunities for growth and transformation. It's a card that speaks to the inevitable upheavals in life that, while disruptive, offer the chance for significant personal and spiritual evolution.
Correspondences: Peh (פ) Meaning Mouth. In Astrology the Planet Mars.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Peh (פ)
Peh is associated with the concept of a mouth, symbolizing speech and communication, but in the context of The Tower, it often refers to the disruptive power of words or revelations.
• Lightning Bolt:
The lightning bolt that strikes the tower symbolizes sudden insight or revelation that shatters existing structures or beliefs.
• Falling Figures:
The figures falling from the tower represent the collapse of ego or false beliefs, indicating a forced awakening or realization.
• Crown:
The crown being knocked off the top of the tower symbolizes the fall of pride or arrogance, often a result of ignoring divine wisdom.
• Fire:
The flames represent purification and transformation, albeit through a harsh and sudden process.
• Broken Foundations:
The crumbling foundation of the tower symbolizes the instability of constructs built on false beliefs or illusions.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Tower card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Tower as a card of sudden upheaval and forced enlightenment. While the experience may be traumatic, it serves to break down false structures and beliefs, making way for new understanding and growth. The card serves as a reminder that sometimes destruction is necessary for new creation, and that crises can serve as catalysts for profound transformation.
Upright Meanings:
• Sudden Change: The Tower is about unexpected events that shake your foundations.
• Upheaval: This card often appears when there is a significant disruption in some aspect of life.
• Revelation: It suggests a sudden realization or truth that changes your perspective.
• Liberation: Despite its chaotic nature, the card can indicate liberation from limiting beliefs or situations.
Reversed Meanings:
• Avoiding Change: Resistance to necessary upheaval or transformation.
• Internal Upheaval: Experiencing internal conflict rather than external change.
• Ignoring Warning Signs: Failing to heed indications of impending change or disruption.
• Fear of Change: Being paralyzed by the fear of upheaval or new circumstances.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate sudden changes such as layoffs or unexpected opportunities.
• In a love reading, it could signify a sudden revelation or change that affects the relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a transformative experience that shakes your spiritual foundations.
17 The Star
Hope, inspiration, serenity. The Star card encourages you to remain hopeful and to seek inspiration, both from within and from higher sources. It's a card that speaks to the rejuvenating power of hope and the inspiration that can be drawn from spiritual insight.
Correspondences: Tzaddi (צ) Meaning Fishhook. In Astrology the Sign Aquarius.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Tzaddi (צ)
Tzaddi is associated with the concept of a fishhook, symbolizing the idea of attraction and aspiration, which aligns with the themes of hope and inspiration in The Star card.
• Naked Woman:
The naked woman pouring water represents purity and the cleansing of the spirit, indicating a renewal of hope and vitality.
• Two Jars:
The two jars from which water is poured symbolize the dual nature of existence, balancing the material and spiritual worlds.
• Eight-Pointed Star:
The large, eight-pointed star, often surrounded by seven smaller stars, represents divine guidance and cosmic influence.
• Bird and Tree:
If present, the bird and tree in the background symbolize the harmony of nature and the promise of future growth.
• Stream and Land:
The stream flowing into the land symbolizes the flow of emotional and spiritual nourishment into the material world.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Star card to internalize its intricate symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Star as a card of hope, inspiration, and divine guidance. It serves as a beacon in dark times, illuminating the path toward spiritual enlightenment and emotional healing. The card encourages you to trust in the benevolent forces of the universe and to remain optimistic about the future.
Upright Meanings:
• Hope: The Star is a card of optimism and hope for the future.
• Inspiration: This card often appears when you are inspired or are inspiring others.
• Spiritual Insight: It suggests a period of spiritual growth and higher understanding.
• Healing: The card can indicate emotional or physical healing.
Reversed Meanings:
• Loss of Hope: Feeling pessimistic or losing faith in a situation.
• Lack of Inspiration: Going through a period where inspiration is hard to find.
• Spiritual Disconnection: Feeling out of touch with your spiritual self.
• Delayed Healing: Experiencing setbacks in a healing process, whether emotional or physical.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a period of inspiration and productivity.
• In a love reading, it could signify a hopeful phase in the relationship or the need for emotional healing.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a deepening of spiritual understanding or a mystical experience.
18 The Moon
Illusion, confusion, intuition. The Moon card encourages you to trust your intuition and to be aware of the illusions that can cloud judgment. It's a card that speaks to the complexities of the emotional and unconscious realms, urging you to explore what lies beneath the surface.
Correspondences: Qoph (ק) Meaning Back of the Head. In Astrology the Sign Pisces.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Qoph (ק)
Qoph is associated with the concept of the back of the head, symbolizing the unconscious mind and the realm of dreams, which aligns with the themes of illusion and intuition in The Moon card.
• Two Towers:
The two towers framing the moon symbolize duality and the limitations of the material world, serving as a gateway to the unconscious.
• Two Animals:
The wolf and the dog represent the dual nature of our instincts—wild and domesticated, respectively.
• Crayfish:
The crayfish emerging from the water symbolizes the primal fears and emotions rising from the depths of the unconscious.
• Moon:
The moon itself represents the realm of dreams, intuition, and the unconscious mind. Its phases (waxing, full, and waning) are often depicted, symbolizing cycles and fluctuations.
• Droplets or Yods:
The droplets or Yods falling from the moon symbolize divine influence or spiritual "dew," nourishing the landscape below.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Moon card to internalize its complex symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Moon as a card of illusion, intuition, and the unconscious mind. It serves as a reminder of the fluctuating nature of life and the ever-changing landscape of our emotional and spiritual states. The card encourages introspection and caution, urging us to navigate the realm of the unconscious with care and awareness.
Upright Meanings:
• Intuition: The Moon is about listening to your inner voice and intuition.
• Illusion: This card often appears when things are not as they seem, requiring discernment.
• Unconscious Mind: It suggests a need to delve into your unconscious for answers.
• Emotional Realm: The card can indicate a period of emotional fluctuation or confusion.
Reversed Meanings:
• Ignoring Intuition: Not listening to your inner voice or gut feelings.
• Clarity: The lifting of illusions or deceptions.
• Conscious Awareness: Becoming aware of previously unconscious patterns or beliefs.
• Emotional Stability: Finding emotional balance after a period of confusion.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate the need for intuition in decision-making or a situation that is not as it appears.
• In a love reading, it could signify emotional ups and downs or hidden aspects in the relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a journey into the unconscious or the need for intuitive guidance.
19 The Sun
Joy, success, celebration. The Sun card encourages you to embrace joy, vitality, and enlightenment, understanding that these are key elements for a fulfilling life. It's a card that speaks to the power of positive energy and the benefits of clarity and awareness.
Correspondences: Resh (ר) Meaning Head. In Astrology the Planet Sun.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Resh (ר)
Resh is associated with the concept of a head, symbolizing leadership, authority, and intellectual power, which aligns with the themes of enlightenment and clarity in The Sun card.
• Sun:
The sun itself, often with a face, represents illumination, vitality, and the source of life on Earth.
• Two Children or Figures:
The two children or figures dancing or riding horses symbolize the harmonious integration of opposites, often interpreted as the conscious and unconscious minds.
• Sunflowers:
Sunflowers in the background symbolize spiritual aspiration and the seeking of light, as they turn their faces toward the sun.
• Wall:
The stone wall often seen in the background symbolizes the boundaries of the conscious mind or the material world, which are illuminated by the light of understanding.
• Red Banner or Flag:
If present, the red banner or flag symbolizes action and vitality, indicating that enlightenment leads to positive action in the world.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The Sun card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The Sun as a card of enlightenment, vitality, and intellectual clarity. It serves as a symbol of the highest form of consciousness achievable by humans, illuminating the path of wisdom and understanding. The card encourages optimism, joy, and the celebration of life's blessings.
Upright Meanings:
• Vitality: The Sun is about feeling alive and full of energy.
• Joy: This card often appears when you are in a state of happiness or are bringing joy to others.
• Enlightenment: It suggests a period of clarity and understanding.
• Success: The card often indicates success in endeavors and a sense of accomplishment.
Reversed Meanings:
• Lack of Vitality: Feeling drained or lacking in energy.
• Temporary Happiness: Experiencing joy that may be fleeting or superficial.
• Confusion: Lacking clarity or feeling uncertain.
• Missed Opportunities: Failing to recognize or seize opportunities for success.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a period of success and recognition.
• In a love reading, it could signify a joyful and harmonious relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a moment of enlightenment or profound clarity.
20 Judgment
Rebirth, inner calling, absolution. The Judgement card encourages you to heed the call for transformation, whether it's a call to a higher purpose or a need for self-evaluation. It's a card that speaks to the transformative power of rebirth and the importance of answering life's higher callings.
Correspondences: Shin (ש) Meaning Tooth. In Astrology the Element Fire and Spirit.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Shin (ש)
Shin is associated with the concept of a tooth, symbolizing consumption and transformation, which aligns with the themes of rebirth and renewal in the Judgement card.
• Angel:
The angel, often Archangel Gabriel, blowing a trumpet symbolizes divine revelation and the call to rebirth or awakening.
• Trumpet:
The trumpet itself is a symbol of the divine message, often adorned with a flag that bears a cross, representing the new dispensation.
• Three Figures:
The three figures rising from the coffins represent the resurrection of the dead, symbolizing spiritual rebirth and awakening.
• Coffins:
The coffins symbolize the death of the old self, making way for the new.
• Water and Land:
The water and land in the background symbolize the emotional and material worlds, both subject to the transformative power of divine judgement.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on the Judgement card to internalize its intricate symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed Judgement as a card of rebirth, transformation, and divine calling. The card serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the transformative power of spiritual awakening. It encourages you to heed the call of your higher self, leading to a new phase of existence.
Upright Meanings:
• Rebirth: Judgement is about experiencing a form of rebirth or renewal.
• Self-Evaluation: This card often appears when a period of reflection and self-assessment is needed.
• Call to Action: It suggests that you may be called to a higher purpose or mission.
• Transformation: The card indicates significant change and the end of a phase.
Reversed Meanings:
• Ignoring the Call: Resistance to change or to answering a higher calling.
• Lack of Self-Awareness: Failing to evaluate oneself honestly.
• Stagnation: Being stuck in a phase that needs to come to an end.
• Fear of Change: Being afraid to make necessary transformations.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate a change in career path or a calling to a more fulfilling job.
• In a love reading, it could signify a rekindling of a relationship or the need for a serious evaluation of the relationship.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a spiritual awakening or a call to a higher spiritual purpose.
21 The World
Completion, integration, accomplishment. The World card encourages you to recognize and celebrate your achievements, understanding that they are part of a larger cycle of life. It's a card that speaks to the joy and fulfillment that come from completion and mastery.
Correspondences: Tav (ת) Meaning Cross or Mark. In Astrology the Sign Saturn and the Element Earth.
Paul Case Symbolism:
• Hebrew Letter: Tau (ת)
Tau is associated with the concept of a cross, symbolizing the intersection of the divine and the earthly, which aligns with the themes of completion and unity in The World card.
• Dancing Figure:
The central figure, often a woman or an androgynous being, dances in a state of bliss, symbolizing the integration of the soul with the divine.
• Wreath:
The wreath surrounding the figure represents victory and completion, often formed in the shape of a lemniscate (infinity symbol) to signify eternal cycles.
• Four Figures:
The four figures in the corners (human, eagle, lion, and bull) represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac and the four elements, symbolizing the totality of the material world.
• Two Wands or Batons:
If present, the two wands or batons that the central figure holds symbolize the balance of opposites and the power of transformation.
• Blue Background:
The blue background often seen in the card symbolizes the heavenly or spiritual realm, indicating that the figure has transcended earthly limitations.
Dr. Case emphasized the importance of meditating on The World card to internalize its rich symbolism and to unlock deeper spiritual insights. He viewed The World as a card of completion, unity, and cosmic consciousness. It serves as a symbol of the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey, representing the soul's union with the divine. The card encourages you to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and to embrace a state of wholeness and completion.
Upright Meanings:
• Completion: The World is about the successful completion of a cycle or project.
• Fulfillment: This card often appears when you are feeling fulfilled and satisfied in some aspect of life.
• Wholeness: It suggests a state of inner wholeness or integration.
• Mastery: The card indicates a level of mastery or expertise in some area.
Reversed Meanings:
• Incomplete: Experiencing a lack of closure or completion.
• Unfulfilled: Feeling unfulfilled or dissatisfied in some area of life.
• Disintegration: Experiencing a lack of inner harmony or wholeness.
• Lack of Mastery: Failing to achieve a desired level of skill or control.
In a Reading:
• In a career reading, it may indicate the successful completion of a project or the attainment of a career goal.
• In a love reading, it could signify a relationship reaching a significant milestone or stage of fulfillment.
• In a spiritual context, it often suggests a state of spiritual completion or enlightenment.
Paths on the Tree of Life and Corresponding Major Arcana Cards
1. 11th Path 1 Kether to 2 Chokmah: The Fool (0) - Aleph (א)
2. 12th Path 1 Kether to 3 Binah: The Magician (I) - Beth (ב)
3. 13th Path 1 Kether to 6 Tiphareth: The High Priestess (II) - Gimel (ג)
4. 14th Path 2 Chokmah to 3 Binah: The Empress (III) - Daleth (ד)
5. 15th Path 2 Chokmah to 6 Tiphareth: The Emperor (IV) - Heh (ה)
6. 16th Path 2 Chokman to 4 Chesed: The Hierophant (V) - Vav (ו)
7. 17th Path 3 Binah to 6 Tiphareth: The Lovers (VI) - Zayin (ז)
8. 18th Path 3 Binah to 5 Geburah: The Chariot (VII) - Cheth (ח)
9. 19th Path 4 Chesed to 5 Geburah: Strength (VIII) - Teth (ט)
10. 20th Path 4 Chesid to 6 Tiphareth: The Hermit (IX) - Yod (י)
11. 21st Path 4 Chesed to 7 Netzach: Wheel of Fortune (X) - Kaph (כ)
12. 22nd Path 5 Geburah to 6 Tiphareth: Justice (XI) - Lamed (ל)
13. 23nd Path 5 Geburah to 8 Hod: The Hanged Man (XII) - Mem (מ)
14. 24th Path 6 Tiphareth to 7 Netzach: Death (XIII) - Nun (נ)
15. 25th Path 6 Tiphareth to 9 Yesod: Temperance (XIV) - Samekh (ס)
16. 26th Path: 6 Tiphareth to 8 Hod: The Devil (XV) - Ayin (ע)
17. 27th Path 7 Netzach to 8 Hod: The Tower (XVI) - Peh (פ)
18. 28th Path 7 Netzach to 9 Yesod: The Star (XVII) - Tzaddi (צ)
19. 29th Path 7 Netzach to 10 Malkuth: The Moon (XVIII) - Qoph (ק)
20. 30st Path 8 Hod to 9 Yesod: The Sun (XIX) - Resh (ר)
21. 31st Path 8 Hod to 10 Malkuth: Judgement (XX) - Shin (ש)
22. 32nd Path 9 Yesod to 10 Malkuth: The World (XXI) - Tav (ת)
Understanding the Western Mysteries
Tree of Life Part 1 (Correspondences)
Working with Angels
The Work of Angels
Angelology Interpretations
72 Shem Angels
Invoking the 72 Shem Angels
Invoking the Archangel Tzadkiel
Other Important Topics
Author's Experience with The Qabalah
The Middle Pillar Ritual
Shorshei Ha-Shemot
The Tarot